Chapter Thirtyseven

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A/N: a picture of Marisol on the side

she makes me cry bc she's so pretty. i know some of ya'll will use her in your fanfics, so pls go ahead omf she perfection

louis really got game. louis won in fanfiction world. this. louis. fucking. won.


I haven't forgotten about Clary and the birth control pills that practically ruined what was left of my relationship with my mother. Never did I imagine it would happen so soon. Unfortunately life has a funny way of screwing things up. I had no clue as to how Willie got them. But I can only assume that it happened because I probably deserved it.

Clary was digging into her steak, sitting down next to Marisol, who was too busy trying to get Louis to admit something to make conversation with Clary. I made my way to her, pulling a chair next to her.

"Haven't been able to properly talk to you in the meanest while," I started, folding my hands.

She turned her head to look at me. Her brown eyes were searching my face as she pressed her lips together into a firm line. "Um...I heard about the birth control pill thing..."

"Yeah," was all I said, sighing. "You know what that costed me?"

"Dude, I'm sorry. Okay? Lillian was on my ass the day she found them. My mom finds out, and I'm dead," she explained quickly. "And Emily could've kept them. You weren't who I asked for in particular. I just said Serenity because you're the first person that popped into my head."

Lillian was the one and only fourteen year-old sister of Clary's. I used to despise that girl terribly -- and I still do. She is standing on this planet to test the will and patience of every human being she comes in contact with. Lillian was a groupie, to be fully honest. There wasn't a day she wouldn't latch onto an older guy with her group of groupies and praise them for everything they did. To put it simply, none of us really liked her.

"It happened and it can't be undone," I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

"Are you going to try and fix your relationship with your mother?" Clary inquired.

I paused to think. This was pretty much the only question that would take a lot of me to answer. "My mother won't be happy until I do as she says. Even if I'm miserable doing what she wants me to, she'll refuse to think I'm unhappy and keep pushing me towards things I don't want. I can't fix my relationship with my mother when we both can't come to terms with our problems. Of course I want to fix things, I just don't know how."

Clary was silenced when I finished. She stared at me, her eyes turning into slits. "Serenity...whoa."

"What?" I asked, frowning out of confusion.

She shook her head. "Have you noticed the way you are thinking of things? You sound much more...I don't doesn't sound like you. Usually you'd say you don't care, and here you are saying you're willing."

I gave her a goofy, yet still confused, grin. "What? You mean I sound different?"

A chuckle left her lips. "Yes. More mature than before."

"Well, you're still bat shit crazy," I teased.

"I think Harry fucked all good things into you," she spat out, laughing loudly afterwards.

My eyes easily pride open in shock from her words. Beside us, Marisol snapped her head towards us and began to laugh. Louis must've found it hysterical, too, because he stood up and gave Clary a standing ovation for her comical comment. I sunk further into my seat, finding myself blushing rather than cursing at them for being idiots.

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