Perfect For Each Other | Peter Parker (TH)

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because of the amount of suicides that have happened the past few days, i feel like i should post this.

if you are ever in a position where you think that suicide is the best option for you, please know that you are needed, wanted, and loved by a God that created you whether you believe in Him or not. He is real and He is hurting with you.

and please, if you need to reach out to someone, message me. i am here to listen and to help the best i can. i love you all.

this was requested by PetermanIsLife


"My party in three days," Ned said excitedly. He elbowed Peter in the side. "You are coming, right? There's no skipping out on my birthday party, dude."

"Ow, no," Peter mumbled. "I'll be there, man."

"Good." Ned grinned. "___ is coming, too, so you'll get to meet her."

"___, from your Star Wars fanfiction group?" Peter asked.

"Yeah. She's really cool, Pete. You'll get along great. Maybe we can all three start hanging out together!"

"Maybe," Peter said.


Peter was the first to arrive at Ned's birthday party. He came early to help set up. The entire kitchen was decorated with black and blue streamers and balloons and The Last Jedi plates, cups, and posters.

"It looks good, man," Peter said, hanging upside down off the ceiling to tape up the HAPPY BIRTHDAY NED banner.

"Yeah it does," he agreed. "Now get off the ceiling before my mom comes in and starts asking questions."

Peter snorted and flipped off the ceiling, landing on his feet. At the same time, someone knocked on the door. Ned went to answer it and Peter put the tape and scissors away before following.

As he walked back into the living room, he saw Ned talking to a girl in a Star Wars dress. Peter's step faltered for a brief moment because wow, was she pretty.

"Happy birthday, Ned," you said, hugging him tightly. "You're gonna flip for the present I got you."

"Thanks," he said. "Oh! You finally get to meet Peter." He waved Peter over. "Here he is!"

"Hi, I'm ___," you said.

"Peter P-Parker," he stammered.

Ned gave him a knowing look. He knew why his friend was stammering like that. (Why else would he introduce his best friend to his pretty friend. He wanted them to fall in love).

"I'm going to go help my mom order the pizzas," Ned said before leaving.

Peter nodded. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans and smiled shyly at you. "I, uh, really like your dress," he said.

"Thanks," you replied, picking up the skirt and smiling. "Are you a Star Wars fan, too?"

"Oh, yeah," he said. "Ned's even shown me some of your fanfiction. It's really great."

"Oh, thank you," you said, tucking hair behind your ears. "What's your favorite Star Wars movie?"

"A New Hope," he said.

"Oh, yeah?" You grinned. "Mine too."

"Awesome! I love Luke Skywalker. He's probably my favorite character ever."

"Leia is mine," you said, pointing to the space buns your hair was twisted up in (Peter just thought that was the cutest). "But if we're talking sequel characters, my favorite is Poe Dameron. As much as I love Rey and Finn and Kylo, there is something about Poe that just makes my heart happy."

"Oh, yeah." Peter nodded. "Without question. That dude is so awesome. I actually really liked him in The Last Jedi. Ned didn't."

"Right? He is always awesome. I could have fought Ned for not liking him after Episode VIII." You and Peter both laughed loudly. "Actually, I'm surprised you don't like Han Solo the most," you said. "You look like a Han Solo kind of guy. Have you ever cosplayed before?"

"No," he said.

"You should. You got the looks for Han Solo."

"Yeah?" He smiled.

"Yeah," you said. You walked towards the kitchen.

Peter followed you, sort of in a daze. He was blushy and awkward and was really, really getting a crush on you.

Soon after your arrival, MJ and Liz came, then the whole decathalon team and all of Ned's closest cousins. The living room and kitchen were filled with the sounds of talking and the Star Wars soundtracks blaring out of the speakers in the hallway.

When you were getting cake, Ned hurried to Peter.

"So? She's great, huh?" he asked.

"Yeah," Peter agreed. "She's really awesome."

"And cute..." Ned added, raising his eyebrows.


"Don't you think she's cute? I mean, she's totally the cutest Star Wars nerd there is."

"Yeah, she's cute," Peter said, spooning up some chocolate frosting.

"I knew it!" Ned whispered loudly. "I knew you'd like her. Yes! Ask her out. You gotta ask her out."

"Uh, no? I just met her, Ned. I'm not going to ask her out," he said.

"Then ask for her number!"

"I... I don't know," he said.

"She likes Spider-Man, you know," he said.

Peter nearly choked on cake. "She likes Spider-Man?"

"She kinda has a crush on him," he said.

"Does she really?"

"Go bring him up! And then tell her you're him."

He snorted. "I am not telling her that I'm Spider-Man so she'll like me. And don't tell me that no one wants me to be myself, because it didn't help with Liz."

Ned rolled his eyes. "You know I think you're great. And honestly, I know she'll like Peter just as much as she likes Spider-Man. You guys are pretty much made for each other. Like Han Solo and Princess Leia or Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala - minus the killing her part."

Peter laughed. "Thanks, man," he said.

"So go talk to her," he said, shoving him gently. "I invited her for a reason."

Peter gave his friend a kind smile and turned away. He walked over to you at the table. You took a bite of your cake and caught his eye, smiling with closed lips.

"Hey," he said, "I kinda wanted to discuss more Star Wars with you."

"Oh yeah, sure! Totally," you said, turning towards him.

You both just grinned at each other, each unknowingly thinking about how perfect you were for the other.

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