a final goodbye

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okay, i was going to update a couple more times, but there's really no point. a bunch of people have already followed the new account and i am going to spend my time there from now on. however, i will be answering messages here still, while i decide what to do with my books that are still ongoing. if you haven't received a response from me, PLEASE MESSAGE ME AND ASK AGAIN, because a crap ton of messages were lost in a sea of thank you's. if you don't reach out to me via PRIVATE MESSAGE, i will not give you info. i am not gonna hunt y'all down. you can't message me on instagram or twitter to get information, either, because i don't know what your wattpad user that way. 

if you need help sending me a private message, please go to my page. there are three dots somewhere on the page (at the top, more likely) and if you touch that, it opens a menu. you can click SEND MESSAGE and ask me there. i promise it won't be scary or awkward. i'll give you the information and you can continue reading my things. 

as excited as i am to start new, i am sad to leave this book, and all of the covers/edits y'all took so long to make. if you want to continue making fan art, you can. i will share it on our new site.

thanks and goodbye, 


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