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                                                                          Jordan Bolger as Ezra

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                                                                          Jordan Bolger as Ezra


                                                                              Zach Villa as Ezra

*Unfortunately no GIFs around for him yet but he was bad as shit in his one episode of The                                                                                                      Expanse

None of Ezra's friends seem to understand or want to understand the shit he's dealing with at home. His uncle's MMA studio and the hope for the future it inspires might be his only escape, but even he's not close enough to see where he's coming from. Castile, one of his uncle's connections in the fighting world, comes by one time dragging somebody in with him who he swears has the most potential and talent he's ever seen. But if that private hour long talk he and Castile had was anything to go by, she's clearly got some secrets and him pairing Mo and Ezra up to train together's just confirmation. And between them training together and their deep talks in the gym, whether it's empty or at capacity, that studio is his only escape no question

NOTHING EXTRA -- just speaking of Netflix shit needing a sequel -- I really needed more of Mo after that

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