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                                                                       Mia Xitlali as Monday Davis


                                                                    Lizeth Selene as Monday Davis

It wasn't the best first impression and she definitely wasn't looking cute, but the first time she met Leti -- screwdriver in hand, saving her life -- been in the back of her mind ever since and she'd like to think it was the same for her. Yea she's got a lot going on; busting her little brother, Alexo, out of his situation and trying to track down the Reeds and give them what's owed, now she's got this whole other kind of debt though. By the time she finds their place and the crime scene there, she wishes she just gave up on her revenge fantasy and tried to find her savior and maybe it's not too late, but first there's one last dumbass running into her while he's trying to run away. And this fantasy's nothing like she imagined since now there's multiple witnesses staring down at her and a fresh body. One of them, Angel, insists she owes them for not snitching on her so now she's being taught how to clean up a crime scene with his brother and how to run books with a man waving fake fingers around while Angel swears he's looking into Alexo for her. It all turns out to be a blessing when Leti comes right into their office while she's reaching for some papers looking for help cleaning up her own mess.

A LITTLE EXTRA : This was originally some type of Leti/Abel crossover but not only could I not                 find a good FC for Abel but I started thinking more about him and his home situation/the women in his life, and there's a good chance he was probably raised qwHite fucked up

                                    Also I can't stop staring at that GIF look at her, with lines and development and shit -- can we just kill off Adelita and Emily and have Leti and the escort (WHO STILL HAS NO NAME) with EZ be the female leads please -- and she's just beyond entertaining in fact the GIF kinda sums up Leti and maybe even Monday/Leti, they're just here to fuck shit up, make Coco, EZ and Angel look at them like they're crazy, maybe drive Chuckie a little crazy/ier than he already is, and be gentle and trusting with each other 

                                    Ok maybe the GIF doesn't sum all that up -- also Coty Camacho is DayDay's backup FC

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