Like Mother Like Daughter

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I got up to answer the door, but Connor stopped me producing his gun

"Connor what are you?" I started Connor put his finger to his lips to signel to me to be quite. Another loud knock at the door and the sound of something falling over.

"stay behind me" he whispered as we approached the door. We slowly opened the door. There was no one there.

"annntie Jayne, Jaynie!" I looked down to see Charlie slumped against the side of the house.

"Charlie?" I said pushing past Connor to kneel down in front of her. The smell filled my nose.

"have you been drinking?!"

"just a little, tiny 'hick' bit" she replied

I looked up to Connor.

"help me get her into the house" he nodded taking her arm while I took the other one.

"hey were are we going?" Charlie spluttered as we dragged her over the threshold.

"how much have you had Charlie?"

We slumped Charlie down on the sofa. She didn't answer me she started crying.

"Charlie! How much have you had? And what did you drink. Its important"

"I, I don't knoooowwww" Charlie sobbed
I sat down next to her rubbing her shoulders Connor looked to me.

"Connor could you check her please"

"she is very over the limit, apart from that her vitals are fine. She most likely just needs water and rest" he replied "I will go get some water" he left to the kitchen Charlie rested her head on my shoulder.

"you wanna tell me what happened?"
She just shrugged "come on kiddo, first smoking now drinking. Talk to me" she shifted uncomfortably

"Adams moving in with us." she said quietly ah, there it was. Her mom's new boyfriend I really wish Grace would slow down when it came to men she really did like to move fast

"I thought you liked Adam?"

"I do. It's just I don't know!" she sighed burping.

"its just alot" I answered for her she nodded her head.

Her face turned green as she got up running to the bathroom pushing past Connor.

"is she alright?" he questioned before I could answer the sound of Charlie vomiting filled the air. As well as the smell.

"she's fine, she won't be tomorrow though" I got up from the sofa. "would you go check on her? I'm going to try to find her some clothes"

"sure" Connor replied disappearing down the hall way into the bathroom.

I found some old pj's that might fit her, when I entered the bathroom Charlie was on the floor head in the toilet bowl. Connor gave me a weak smile as he rubbed Charlie's back. I noticed his jacket was missing. Leaving him in just a white dress shirt.

"Where's your?" I pointed to him he gestured to the bath behind him.

"Charlie proceeded to vomit on to me, I thought it best to remove it."he said with a grimacing


So time later Charlie lifted her head from the toilet still looking pale.

" how are you doing champ? "I said lowering myself to join her and Connor on the floor.

" better I think"she said weakly slurring slightly

"here, drink something. Slowly" Connor said offering her the water she took a small sip. Turning to Connor.

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