Neomi & Naomi

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"Neomi! I'm going out with some friends, be back in 30 minutes. If I'm not back send out an amber alert!" Anastasia, my sister, yelled passing by my bedroom door.

"Okay," I replied, never tearing my eyes off of the book in front of me.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Neomi (pronounced as knee-o-me) I have been living on this earth for 19 years. I am currently still living with my parents and two sisters. One of which is a twin. All my life I remain not  very social towards the world, and like my parents want, I just study and read.  My twin sister Naomi ( pronounced as Nay-o-mi) is the complete opposite of me. She is bolt of energy, and always seems to push me out of my comfort zone, but she is always there whenever I need someone. Like everyone, she has flaws, and one of those flaws is showing way too much affection in public, especially towards me. My sister is constantly attached to me, either kissing me in public or grabbing me in some clingy way. You can't imagine on the amount of questions we have received such as if we were a lesbian couple. I mean, COME ON PEOPLE! Don't you see the RESEMBLANCE? We're twins!

Naomi barged into my room, closing the door behind her, and jumped on my bed causing my to drop my book.

"Hey chica, let's do something somewhere." she said, smiling.

"I wasn't done with my book..but where?" I sighed, picking up my book to save my last page.

"I dont care where! Let's just spend some time together!"she whined. Naomi grabbed my wrists and jumped on the bed but I quickly ripped them away.

"Go by yourself."

"Umm..and get raped? Sorry, I rather not. "she pointed out dramatically.

"Nobody is going to want you," I laughed.

"But I want you!" she playfully pouted.

"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that." I said laughing at her accidental dirty comment. "By the way, I have some studying to do." I said, holding the textbook next to the book.

"Damn you and your studying! Give it a break! It's annoying !"she threw my book across the room.

"You little bitch," I yell scolding her

Naomi rolled her eyes "Just come on, you wont regret it!"

Giving up, I threw on a white hoodie and placed shades over my eyes to cover my identity. Like every time, Naomi stared at me for a good 10 seconds.

I put my shades into librarian position, "I would appreciate it greatly if you didn't stare at me."

Turning around, she sighed and grabbed her car keys. We drove about ten mins to the mall after an hour in the mall, bags weighed us down like an anchor on a ship. We laughed, took pictures, and like always had fun.

"Come on, let's go!" I suggested

"Absolutely not.  I haven't gotten enough Adidas and Chuck Taylors! "she cried.

Throwing my head back in disbelief, I agreed to keep going.

Yanking my arm towards another store. We walked in and immediately she ran into crowd of people.  I walked around and saw some Jordan 1 lance mountain shoes and a pair of Air Jordan 1. I scanned the price tag and saw that it was within my range and  started heading to the the cash register when suddenly I tripped over nothingness. The shoes flew out of the box, hitting someone on the the back of the head.

"Hey! Watch where you go!"The guy said, while trying to find the person who hit him.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to." I said while my head craned to look at him from the ground . He looked like no other with his tall and lean body.

When he found my voice, he looked at me with a much softer look. Breaking the eye  contact, I stood up and began to dust the dirt off of myself while he picked up the shoes.

"I really am sorry. I'm just clumsy sometimes." I repeated.

"No, I sorry for not catching you." he said with a smile. 

"It's alright. I'm fine." I chuckled at his sweetness.

"Yes you are." he said looking at me. "My name is Laurent. Laurent Bourgeois."

"I'm Neomi," introducing myself. I noticed he had a thick accent which was a little hard to understand, but I was able to make out his words. I looked at his features and noticed his dark brown eyes, which were hypnotizing to look at. His eyes met mine as if he was waiting for an answer. I wasn't listening and my heart started race in embarrassment.

"Umm.." was all that could escape from my mouth. Laurent raised an eyebrow, waiting for an answer.  Mentally yelling for a help, Naomi was beside me, already introducing herself.

"Hello handsome," She said checking him out,"My name is Naomi . Sorry for this," pointing at me,  "She doesn't talk much and gets nervous talking to good looking people." she laughed.

" You guys are twins?" he curiously asked.

"Yup!" she squealed kissing my cheek and made her hands down to my waist. I elbowed her hard but she didn't budge. "Don't be so stank love, I know you like it" she smirked.

"Laurent!" another voice yelled.

Laurent turned around to see another copy of himself come up next to him. Naomi's eyes widened in excitement and yelled, "Oh my God Neomi, Oh my GOD!!!" causing people to turn heads.

"Yes I see!" I smiled.

"THEY'RE TWINS TOO!"she began to jump and down.

"I can see dammit! Now stop yelling!" I slapped her arm .

"Damn chick I'm just excited," she said backing away with her hands up in surrender.

Forgetting the twins were here, we started to hear a couple of snickers.

"Whats so funny?"I asked, squinting my eyes with my arms crossed.

"You two." Laurent and his twin said at the same time both pointing at Naomi and I. "Anyways, what bring you here?" Laurent asked.

Naomi and I exchanged looks to the fact that he even asked that stupid question.

Sarcastically, Naomi replied with a serious tone,"We came down here to fall on our asses and argue in front of shoes."

I covered my face trying to suppress my laugh but I couldn't help and then neither could anyone else. Once we died down

"So what are you doing here?"  Naomi asking their own question.

"I think I'm buying shoes. Duh." Laurent said with a joking attitude.

Naomi looked around to see if he was really talking to her and then said, "Excuse me? Did you just 'duh' me? Oh yeah it's about to go down."

I shook my head as I was just about to witness what was going to happen. "Its about to go down" was something she always said every time someone gives her sarcasm.

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