Bey news

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Neomi pov

Bey has said she wanted to cook a homecook meal instead of the usual take out.She sent the chief home.Bey and me cooked Fried chicken, mac n cheese, mash potatoes, peas, with a biscuit.Also not to forget the sweet tea.

Larry has been silent ever he talked to Naomi.Still want to know what they talked about. The fact that larry hasnt told must mean it a juicy sercert.

I was making plates while Bey poured sweet tea in the glasses.

"Larry has been acting strange lately"bey said cuting lemons to put in the tea.

"so you noticed to "I say grabbing a lemon slice.

"yea I wander whats wrong .I hope jay didnt tell yet"she mumbled the last part.

"jay wat?"I say biting into the lemon slice.

"we'll tell you soon babydoll"she say taking the glasses to the table

"you better"I say

she turned and hit me with the what you say look

"im joking!"I laugh

we set the table.and sat down."Jay Larry Laurent! "she yelled to the guys.annoyed that she didnt hear them coming she yelled "okay we'll eat this food by ourselves! "

Just like that they all ran in Lau nearly fell since he had on socks.We praised.Then everyone began eating.

"okay! Jay and I have news"bey says clapping her hands.

me and the twins were all in our food paying her no mind.

"are you going to ask"she says nudging me

"oh what news"I say shoving mac n cheese in my mouth


"im listening! okay what is the news bey .I just have to know im oozing curiosity"

"well im pregnant! !!"

Lau and larry spit out thier food all over the table! ewwwww! I slightly move away

"wait does that mean yall did the nasty in the bed I slept in.ewwwwww!Im infected! Congrants but you could have warned me."

"lol neomi we changed the sheets"

"mhmm still nasty"

"we grown"

"true but still"

"just drop it "jay -z laughs to himself

"well dies anyone esle have news?"

Larry ran his fingers threw his fro"I do"

Bey and I exchanged glances then looked at larry.

"Bey can someone tag a long"he asked staring at his food

"who?"she asked with confusion written all over her face.

"Naomi Neomi's sister"larry says playing with his straw.

"why ? she is modeling in France why would she just leave"I asked im pretty sure he didnt miss her .well miss her miss her like without her he'll be depressed.

"she no like it"

"is that all.she didnt like it.Naomi will stick with something no matter what unlress some bull-ish is involved"

"so Jay how was your day"larry says changing the subject

"good I guess me and kanye are working on a new single"

"oh congrats"

I finished my food then washed my plate.Time to play detective.Were not through just yet Larry.We're far from it.

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