A very "great" first date

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Naomi P.O.V

I knew Neomi  was nervous, maybe a little scared. She was shaking, her hand trembling. I kissed it to comfort her, it always works, and feeling her ease up took a million weights off my shoulders.

"I'm cold." Neomi said as she shivered, looking at me.

"Well damn I can't control the weather. " I replied pulling her closer to me.

She laughed quietly laying her head on my shoulder. I grabbed her hand and began knocking on the window of the Cadillac. Larry and Laurent waited a moment before they finally rolled down their window. I wanted to yell for running my patience but they had a huge goofy smile on their face.

"So are you going to let us in or let us  freeze our asses off?" I said impatiently.

"What ass?" Larry joked looking out the window.

I raised my hand up showing my nails, "See these? I will cut you with them. Try me  and I'll fucking Freddy Kruger your ass." The boys exchanges glances.

"Okay." Laurent said unlocking the doors.

Neomi P.O.V

As I slid into the car, the heat greeted me with such comfort, it felt amazing. 

I turned to them, "So where are we going?" I asked excitedly.

"Our house." They said in unison.

My smile was completely wiped off my face as I looked at Naomi. She crossed her arms.

"Why?" she asked raising her eyebrow.

"We're having a party." Larry said.

"You're going to let strangers in your house?! You crazy. "I said shaking my head.

Laurent smiled at me causing me to shut up.

"We trust." He said rather sweetly.

I covered my face looking away.

"Don't be shy love," he said as he raised my chin with his finger.

" Woah woah! Hold up!" Naomi protested. "She's mine. I call her love, boo, bae, and all that, so you better swerve." she said as she smacked his hand away from my face.

"Jealous we steal your sister?" Laurent raised his eyebrow.

"Nothing to be jealous about if she's my property. "she snapped squinting her eyes.

The whole entire car ride, Laurent and Naomi went back and forth as if he was feeding food to a female fire.

Once we got out, Larry took Naomi's hand and Laurent took mine. I could not stop blushing as we walked towards the party. Their house was huge. It was almost as big as a mansion and it was flooded with people. Some were throwing up, some were just passed out and the rest were dancing or drinking some more.

"Les Twins! "the crowd yelled. I hid behind Laurent trying to avoid the eyes of beautiful women as I held his hand. Making our way through the crowd, Laurent dragged me to the bar losing Larry and Naomi.

After he got two shots, I attempted to start a conversation. "So.." I said slowly.

"So..what?" he asked throwing his head back letting some water enter his body.

I looked down sheepishly. "Nothing."

"Neomi," Laurent laughed, "loosen up! It's a party!"

"I'm sorry, I'm just-" I started until I felt someone stroke my hair. Jumping out of my seat, I ran to Laurent. I held on to his waist then looked over my shoulder to see who touched me. It was Larry and his hands continued to my untamed hair. Plus, as I held onto Laurent he was just smelling my hair; I guess I'm glad I washed my hair with that sweet candy smelling shampoo.

Laurent stroked my hair, "Your hair is so soft and smells so good. I can stroke it all day." He said in a sexy voice. I guess it did smell nice. I've always been complimented about it

"Okay!" I said letting go of him, "where's the bathroom?"

They looked at me with a blank stare.

"My room has one" Laurent said pointing upstairs.

"This is a big ass house, and you mean to tell me you don't have one downstairs?" I state with my hands on my hips.

Larry looked at Laurent and then at me. "No but many people use it so.."

"Yeah. Okay." I said rolling my eyes. I scanned the room for Naomi, but didn't find her.

I walked upstairs only to see my other half being pinned against the wall by two guys. Anger boiled inside of me. "Hey!" I said storming up to him, "What are you doing!?!"

"You have a twin?" he said looking at Naomi. "Even better." he smirked. He was a tall guy with black hair and large frame stalked his way towards me.

"Leave her alone!" Naomi yelled as she struggled under the other man's grip.

"I have pepper spray!" I shouted. I mentally slapped myself.

"It won't save you." he laughed as he grabbed my arm.

"LET HER GO!" Naomi shouted moving frantically under the man's touch. The tall guy ignored her. My anger was immediately replaced with fear. I looked around for a weapon.

"Umm..please?" I tried to ask nicely.

"Please? You are too cute" he said, his voice filled with hunger as he pinned me against the wall. He began to suck on my neck. "HELP!"I cried hoping someone would hear over the music.

"Max! Shut her up!" the other guy yelled.

Max's eyes never left mine, and slowly, his eyes turned dark. An evil grin was pasted onto his face. Before I can say anything, his fist came in contact with my stomach, knocking the wind out of me. I groaned in pain.

"NO!! Fuck!" Naomi shouted in anger as she kept trying to kick the man holding her. I looked at her face and saw her eyes turn into fire as her personality changed really quick.

"Shut the fuck up" Max spat in her face. " Or I'll do it again." he smirked.

Her death glares felt like daggers. If only looks could kill. ."Please stop, this is un- " but before I could finish, he slapped me. I looked at him in shock. "Who said you can speak?" he spat in my face. Naomi was on edge.

"You ready to have a good time?" Max whispered in my ear.

Suddenly, loud footsteps marched their way up the stairs. It was Larry and Laurent, and the next thing I knew they were standing over the men repeatedly punching them until they no longer fought back. Naomi dragged me to the side and hugged me looking for bruises. As she touched my check I winced in pain. She kissed it shedding a tear; she hates seeing hurt or injured.

Laurent ran to me panting, "Are you okay?"

"What happened?" Larry asked looking as frantic as my sister.

"THESE sons of bitches tried to rape me AND MY SISTER!" She yelled furiously.  "OH AND LETS NOT FORGET THAT HE PUNCHED AND SLAPPED NEOMI!!!!" She pointed to Max.

Laurent came closer to me, "You hurt?"

"I'm fine, really." I said with a reassuring smile.

"Look at her!" Naomi protested.

Larry softly grabbed her hand. I knew she was fighting the urge to snatch it away.

"Can we go home? "She sighed fed up.

"No, please, we're sorry it happened." Larry solemnly apologized.

"No it's alright, I think we should go." I said looking at Naomi. 

"Well, can we try again some other time?" Laurent asked. "Just the four of us, I promise." Naomi looked at me.

"Sure!" I said stretching a painful smile.

"Great! How about later this week?"

Naomi and I exchanged glances and nodded our heads. "Okay." We responded in unison.

"Okay." Larry and Laurent smiled.

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