Fun in the rain

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Neomi pov

Laurent was chasing me around the park. Until suddenly a drop of water hit my nose , causing me to stop running. Laurent tackled me and began tickling me.

"hahahaha LAU! STOP! PLZ! PLZ!HAHA!"I say trying to block his tickle attacks.


"im sorry im sorry! plz stop im getting dirty!"I say laughing uncontrollably

"okay"he helped me up

I dusted myself off.

"its about to rain"he says looking at the gray clouds

"I know lets get in the car"

"race you!"


we both ran as fast as we could.Laurent had a head start quickly thinking I cut threw the grass.

"cheater!"he yells as he he took off in the grass to.

"you never said that I couldn't you know"I laughed

"ok well then you win"he says as he rans behind me grabbing my waist tickling me again.I tripped and fell into the grass since lau caught me off guard.

"sorry"he sayd helping up

"its fine"

I pulled the handle to the car was locked.I started looking for my keys.Larry has them!! Laurent and I started beating on the car yelling Larry's name.The sky got darker.The rain started pouring down.Laurent ran to my side of the car .He picked me up and ran to the red tube.We crawled inside.

"well aleast were not wet. "I say shaking my hair dry.

Laurent chuckled shaking his fro

"how was your day"he asked

I smiled at least he is starting convo."good you?"

"it was alittle better now"he smiles

"really why?"

"because im here with you"

"aw.youre sweet.but stop flirting"

"flirting!"he said dramatically"im no.....maybe a little"

"lol I thought so"

"okay nemo"

I sild beside him resting my head on his shoulder as I looked at the rain pour.



" like me."

"yes you very cool"

"I mean girlfriend wise"

"you mean girlfriend  wise girlfriend wise"

"lau"I grabbed his face"its a simple question say yes or no"

"yes or no"he laughed

"im gonna slap you"

"slap me"

I raised my hand and he grabs it "yes I like you"

"nice to know"I smiled

Lau looked into my eyes"youre eyes are so beautiful"

"oh thxs "I say looking down

He put his hand under my chin raising it so that I look at him.He leans in and kisses me.But its different from the one in the van."do you like me nemo"he asked kissing my jaw.

"hmm maybe I do maybe I dont. "

"tell me"he says kissing the front of my neck

"what do you think lau""I think my nemo is afraid to say she like me"he says moving to the side of my neck.I tilted my head back.never have I had this feeling."dont leave hickeys

he chuckles and lean back"do you like Neomi"

"yes I like Laurent *mumble* bourgeois"


"huh? "

"my middle name is Joseph"

"okay Joseph"

we kissed again but was interrupted by my was larry

"Larry why did you lock the doors!"

"I sorry I didnt to be kidnapped"

"pst they would have brought you back"

"you mean nemo"

"im sorry larry .unlock the door were coming"

I hung up and crawled out lau stayed in his spot"I dont want to leave"he whined

"come on so we can get dry ill make coxo and we can watch a movie"


"yes coco"


we ran to the car we both got in the back seat.larry was in the passenger side.

"neomi you no drive"

"no you drive"


I intertwined my finger with Laurent. our forehead were together.we smiled.

larry:what did you two do.

me:had a little fun in the rain

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