She's awake (Neomi)

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nevermind  the next next chapter will be better this one seems boring sorry.


I stood up now annoyed with this guy.

"ugh you're making this difficult doll can we aleast make a deal"he complained

"no"I turned facing away from him

"look here Ne-o-Mi im making you a great deal"

"Fuck you and your deal those pictures werent even real .you lair"I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

"yoi know what Fuck done with you"he rose his hand and stuck me.

Strange thing I didnt feel anything. I was just sent back to darkness.

"Doctor Doctor Doctor!" an annoying high pitched female voice yelled hurting my ears."Look Look Look her face! These scars just appeared"she screams.Why is she screaming It so annoying."Thats very odd"a deep male voice says getting closer. A hand rubbed against my cheeck "Ow! What The Fuck Man!"I yell glaring at him.He backed away not because he wasnt scared but looked stunned."im sorry that just really hurts"I say getting ready to give him my famous puppy dog eyes but before I could he turned "I cant believe that your awake and so soon"he paces the room."what are you talking about"I say trying to sit up but a pain shoot up my spine"shit!"I mumbled but he still heard me."oh yeah would you like some pain killers"he walks over to a cabinet. "no no im fine"he looks at me"would you like for me to call your friends"

"no, I want to know when I could leave"

"well, miss technically you can leave but I would prefer you stay.

I pulled out the cords and plugs then the thing in my nose helping me breathe "im going now, where are my clothes"I step off the bed

"they were all bloodly.But still miss plz stay one more day well aleast take this pills"

"i dont need pills I got jesus"I laugh wobbling to the door.I opened it getting ready to leave but he touched my arm.I look back at him"well aleast take my coat you are practically naked"he say handing me his coat which was huge on me."thanks "I put it on then left the room  then out the hospital doors

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