A little Sex Ed*Rated R

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(^-^)/Hey sorry about updating so late I was just......very lazy .(-_-) .Any-T-way this chapter is rated r .Very mature content.You have been warned.ĕñjøý!

skipping a to the day when Naomi arrives

Lau pov

I sas dreaming about classified information in other words it was about me and another who isnt my brother.The dream was getting really good but I was snatched out because neomi was jumping on the bed. All she wore was her underwear and a short crop top which shows most of her stomach. Ever since the pool "incident" she has became very comfortable with showing some skin."wake up!wake up! she's coming"she happily yelled.Larry groaned rolling over he's still tired from rehearsal someone thought it would be a good idea to run before and after rehearsal.I grabbed her waist pulling her down on lap."Nemo its 12am she wont be here until 10"I stroked her soft long hair"But im so excited!"she yelled bouncing up and down. "woah woah woah Nemo"i took her off my lap."what?"she tilted her head slightly. "nothing please go to sleep.I promise we'll shell be here soon""well..can we..you know...before Naomi gets here because we'll never get a chance to"she plays with her thumbs

Larry rolled over and looked at me with a confused look.im sure I have the same expression. is asking for what im thinking.

"are you sure there no going back"I stare into her eyes ."cuddling? theres no going back after cuddling?"she asked confused

"oh oh I thought you meant something esle. ..nevermind come here nemo.

She drops to her knee crawling over.Her back facing me.I brought my arms around her waist pulling her close enough that we were back to chest.She intertwine her finger with smirk."sweat dreams"I kised her neck  since it was closer than ger cheeck"sweet dream larry and lau"she said.After a while her body started to heat up rapidly.

Nemo pov

what was I thinking cuddling he is so close.Thinking of him kissing my neck sent nerve threw the roof.I need to focus on my breathing calm down.rubbing my legs together kept my mind off it but I knew it wasnt be long before larry asks me to stop.I let covered my face .I felt lau breathe on the neck as he breathe now and then.I twitched sending pleasure and relief down my body. my body started to shake im squirming in my one spot.It felt as if my body was telling me something but I didnt understand."baby you okay"lau whispers.Now I breathing is hitched.I want to say im just cold and lie but I know he'll just pulled me closer making my situation worst. "yes"I whisper back shaky

The room is dark and I can see is larry infront of me.Moonlight shining on him seeing his magnificent body feeling feeling shaky again knowing I have one behind me. My heart is beating threw my chest my breaths short and quick.whats happening this has never happened before. I gotta get out this bed.I need to call naomi.Slowly I slipped threw lau arms I hope he is asleep.be careful as I crawled over larry .I grabbed my phone and headed to the bathroom.

Naomi possibly cant sleep either she usually stays up late.I have the phone #to the place she is staying.I hope I dont wake poeple maybe i should wait.No I need to talk to her now.I dailed it and held my breathe.

"Hello?"a sleepy voice answered

"Naomi? "I asked ready to hang up if it wasnt

"yes neomi.why are you up it almost 12:30"she yawned

"I know but I have questions"

"I told you ill tell you when I get there"

"no no no its about the body"

"the body? something wrong?"

"this is awkward"I say pacing around the bathroom

"we have the same thing so come on im tired"

"well I was laying with the twins so excited that you was coming an (gcf)"

"girl to the point or im hanging up sweet heart"

"Okay! well when I layed down with Laurent once I noticed how close he was I started feeling werid in places"

"BWAHAHAHA!!!"she brust out laughing

"dont laugh at me!"I pouted

"haha! sorry sorry.ojay time for a little sex ed. you my dear loving sister was getting as you say turned on?"she says trying to smart

"turned on?"

"well when you like someone your body reacts aka turned on"

"Not True! I liked Xavier and it didnt happen"

"first stupid you was 12 your body wasnt mature .in other words again you weren't sexual active. which is quite funny since it happening now

"what do I do"

"1.you can have sex with lau or 2.masterb (gcf)"

"shut up dont say that"

"what maste (gcf )"

"stop it!"

"ha.just ask lau to help you im sure he would more than happy to help you with your little problem"I could feel her smirk

"you know good and well im not asking lau that"

"ask me what"he opens the door and walks in

"lau get out"

"I gotta use bathroom "


"okay nemo dang"

I turned away from lau and continued talking to Naomi.

"ask him"


"ask him"


"ill ask him then"

"Wait WHAT NO!"

"I do have their numbers twiny"

"please dont"

"hmm I think I will"

"Naomi if you lov(gcf)"

Lau took my phone "Hey Naomi! "he screamed into the phone.I tired taking it away but 1.he's tall 2.has longs arms 3.stronger than me.lau wide smile turned to a confused look then a blank one .I turned ready to run out the house down the street out the neighborhood then out the city.He grabbed arm before I could I really need to get faster.

phone convo

Naomi:lau quick grab naomi
lau :okay
Naomi:now remember what I told you.
Naomi:okay now do your job.oh do me a little favor and be alittle rough haha.see you in 9hours bye

end convo

I looked at him so embarrassed. there's no telling what she said."here phone"he hands it to me.I grabbed it alittle suspicious. I know she said something. its not like her not to.While contemplating he grabbed my wrists pinning me against the cold wall.sending chill up and down my body.He pressed his body agaist mine.my body no heating up again the feeling stronger than before looking at lau staring down at me with a smirk made me want to melt.He leaned down I thought he was going to kuss me but instead he whispered"class is in session"in my ear.

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