He is just. friend

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After the twins left. I stood up and hugged him. He lightly kissed my cheek before saying goodbye. I grabbed my phone holding my cheek.a smiled formed on my lips as I walked back inside.The twins were looking at me arms crossed.

"what? "I asked confused

"why you being him here"larry asked

"um I didnt want to be far from home and  because bey said I could"

"how you know he no want money"lau says

"because he didn't ask for any"

"what he just think you pretty and what...it"larry says

"ill say thx and no"

"mmhmm what they say''lau

"who is they? why are you two asking me so many questions! ?"

"because we have to"larry

"im not alittle girl so can you please stoping treating me like one"I sat on the couch

"what if you get kidnapped"lau

"ummm I wont and I was waiting for you two but you took to long"

"so you leave?!"they say

"yes this like the third time I have done this."

they exchanged looks"okay we hang out tomarrow after workshop"

"ohhh cant after rehearsals im hanging with AJ were going to m (gcf)"

"you ditch us for AJ"lau say

"no no im just not hanging with AJ instead of you guys"

"you like AJ"lau asked

"were friends thats all.Trust me"

"okay we will for now"larry

"aye what does L.A.L stand for? "

"Laurent and Larry"Lau say with a huge goofy grin

"oh okay didn't know that we were dating"

"huh???"larry says so confused

"oh Larry lau didnt tell you. he told AJ we all date"

"do we?"larry ask looking directly at me

"GOODNIGHT"I walked out the room.

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