We just chillin

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Neomi pov

Today was rehearsal day for the day On The Run tour.Finally I get to learn some chero.The males and females were in separate room for rehearsal but that didnt stop the twin from coming in and interrupting.

The males finished first so larry and laurent choose to stay for the rest of my rehearsal. We were chair dancing lots of hair whiping and body rolling was involved.It was awkward since the twins sat thete with blank faces.

" Fantastic ladies! Neomi more hips okay sweetie"

as if I could hear larry thoughts he said no less hip.or no hip let her sit and be pretty.

"sure"I say

I dont really understand because if I did more id be raping the air.

After repeatedly not using enough hip.The constructor came over placing his hands on my waist directing my body."oh I got it"I shouted.Than began perform the move.

"yess! I knew you could sweetie"he patted my head.

"thanks to you"I smile

"okay ladies lunch and we'll meet up for rehearsal tonight at 9:30 okay bye"

"okay"everyone said

I wiped the little sweat I collected off my forehead. Looking in my bag for my water bottle.I see Laurent has it.


he walks overs.

"why you take my water!"I say grabbing it but sadly it was empty

"I thirsty"

"now im thirsty. "

"I buy you ice cream later"

"ice cream yay!"

I threw my bag over my shoulder and held onto lau hand.it was soft.we walked over to larry who was talking to the conductor.

Larry:Neomi needs less hip

conductor:its the way Bee wants it sorry larry

larry :cant you change it

conductor:she pays me to teach not chang things

larry:I no see why you cant change one thing

conductor:I just cant

me :larry stop harassing my dance instructor

Larry :but!

me :no buts I do dance .if you dont like it dont watch

Larry :but neomiii

me :nope!

Larry:come on!

me:no nope nada.now come we eat!

larry sighed in defeat"okay but I choose place!"

"okay cry baby"

he shoot a look at me

"Im joking!"I say hiding behind lau

"I know"

Larry drove about 10mins which felt like Entergy since I was hungry.Once we finally reach the place.Lights were flashing music was playing "were at an acarde!

we walked in.oh it looks like so much fun!

Lau brought some coins while larry ordered us a pizza.We started playing games.Every game we played he won! I think these games are rigged.lol.but I knew one game I could win no doubt.basketball shooting.I had to do my royal trash talk to get the mood hyped.

"ready to lose"

"whatever you going to lose like all those other games"

"wanna bet big boi"

"yep I bet all my tickets plus 50 dallors cash you no beat me"

"oh okay and if I lose ill do anything you want for a week."


we shook heads

we put our coins at the same time.Then pressed started.I didnt miss any.The score was 72-49 after doing my victory dance I turned to lau who was in shock.

"I like my money in singles plz"I laughed

Laurent handed me all his tickets and the money

"that game cheated"he whined

I kissed his cheeck"dont be a sore loser"

"I hungry"

"okay loser"


"nothing"I smiled

we went to the to find larry on his 4th slice.

"chill bro save some!"lau yelled taking a piece. "ill be back im goings to the bath.......get some ice cream."I say awkwardly

Larry pov

neomi left.Now its time


"yes "he says muching on a pizza

"do you like nemo"

"bro not Now"



"Laurent it is yes or no.I really like her but I think she feels for you.I no want you to play her like other girls she not like other girls"

"I no play her bro"

"then what are you doing"

"heyyyyy!!!"Neomi interrupts

"hi nemo"I looking at lau who is staring at his drink playing with his straw

"I have a great Idea"


"the park!"


"give me the keys I wanna drive"

"see I would but no want to die"

"pllllzzzz"she begged


we all get in the car and Kayne comes on. I turn the radio up loud and Neomi looks at me and turn it down.I turn it up she turns it down I slowly move my hand to turn it back up looking threw the corner of my eye.she pushes my hand away and laugh.

"boy stop playing with me"she laughs

"sorry love"

"whatever Larry"she says keeping her eye on the road.

I lean over and kiss her cheeck. she smiles a little and blushes slightly.

nemo got a call so she took it while me and lau chilled on the swings and talked.

"bro....um....AHHH!!!"lau yells suddenly being pushed up

neomi laughed at his girly scream.

lau started chasing her around the park.

looking up at the at the cloud I can ser its going to rain soon.ill let them play.im going to take a nap in the car.

Next chp is called fun in the rain.what do you think is going to happen :)

Our Angels Les twinsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora