An unforgettable night

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~alittle change in plans

~very long chapter


Naomi pov

its 8:45 we're supposed to meet the twins at 9:30 at fancy restaurant which I couldn't remember the name of to save my life.Good thing the limo drivers knows. Neomi was doing her finishing touches on her hair while iput on my heels "Ne you ready"I asked checking my phone for the 30th so excited for tonight"in a min"she yells back.Fighting the urge to call him."ready now"I stand walking to the bathroom. She was staring at her phone hand over her mouth eyes wide"ne?"she jumped hiding her phone behind her back"im. ready lets go"she grabs her purse and walks out to the limo.Wonder what she's hiding.After shutting off the light I grabbed my purse and followed her

-20minutes later

The limo parked infront of a huge fancy restaurant. I looked in awe.Neomi got out and went to the door.Greeted by a friendy white boy with Crystal blue eyes" do you have reservations"he smiles"yes under Bourgeois"she say looking at her phone"okay beutiful right this way"he flirted with her shhe didnt so much as glance at him just followed his voice nodding.whats on her phone thats so important. I need to know trying to llok over her shoulder she turn it off and puts it in her bag.We are 20 mins early so we will just chat.sitting both order water

"fancy"neomi say looking around

"very"I look at her bag

"something wrong"

"no im fine what about you"I ask

"im great"she didnt look at me

"oh okay"

"im going to wash my hands be back in a few"

she stood up.walking away.I reached for her bag grabbing her phone.Whats the password! typing in random thing all wrong.getting a little aggravated playing with it hoping id get it right eventually."Na what are you doing""looking up neomi had her hands crossed looking down at me. "I was checking my phone so much that it started yo go dead so I was going to use yours"I lied"oh okay"she unlocked it handing it back to me.Theres no way for me to snoop if she is here"boo can you go get the waiter I need a refill""um okay"she got back up and walked off.I checked her call log and messages nothing seem out tge ordinary. rhats when a blocked number called.I know I shouldn't but I answered


??:Naomi give your sister the phone

me:who's tjis.How did you know it was naomi

??:dont worry about who I am and I can see you

me:where are you*looks around*

??:dont worry about it just tell you sister she better stop ignoring me if she knows whats good for her

me:The fuck dont be threatening me or my sister

??:dont tell what to do


I hung up.who was that.Neomi came back.

"couldn't find him"she sat down

"who is the guy"

"what guy"

"the one threatening you"

"I dont know want your talking about"

"why you li(gcf)

"Hello belle"twins yelled causing people to look.

we greeted them with hugs.They wore matching suits but different ties

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