There here (lar&lau&neo&? &?)

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-8months later

It was around 7AM when it happened

I was laying in the bed fast asleep in the new satin sheets someone on Larry and Laurent side of the family sent .when suddenly I woke up and seen the sheets soaked "what the"I say confused pulling the sheets off of me.As I attempted to get out of the bed an believable pain shot threw my body.Instantly I knew they were coming."Laurent Larry"I cried trying to reach for the phone on the nightstand. It was on the farthest end away from me making it harder but with will power I snatched it quickly dailing the number 911

"Hurry please im having my babies"I shouted before the person on the other end could ask the emergency"we're sending help"a calm female voice says easing my nerves a tad bit "thank god"I sighed while waiting the lady was telling me instructions.Where are they?

Laurent pov

I was having the worlds best dream Me and Neomi sat on a blanket on a hot summer in the park watching our two beautiful baby boys try to dance like me.When Boom Boom boom! Bam! I pulled out into reality. Taking off my headphones I fell asleep with on I seen men with a stretcher rush in and up stairs.What the! Before running up stairs I seen larry come through the screen door"larry? Where were you"

"I was looking at the stars and feel asleep.Whats going on?"

"I dont know"

We bolted up the stairs and seen neomi on the stretcher clething a man's shirt begging him to hurry.My heart was beating fast quickly suddenly a strange feeling come over me.Then went down the stairs and hurried to ambulance.

-at hospital

We (Larry and I )stood by her threw the whole time it was the most beautiful thingI've ever seen tears  of joy streamed down my cheecks"aye im the one in pain here"neomi joked clenching onto my hand harder.I kissed her forehead wiping away my tears.


Finally its over it felt like tormat.The doctors gave me the new born babies.I swear the these are angels.there big brown eyes looking up at me.

"Name miss"

So overcome with joy my voice cracked but as Laurent put his head on my shoulder I blurted out "Laurence".Laurent face lit up like one hundred lights.He grabs baby Laurence out of my hands kissing him.Larry fought a smile but I knew he was alittle hurt.I took his hand laying it on the other babies head"and larry the second aka jr either one is fine."Larry face was priceless as he rocked larry jr

"We love you Nemo!"



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