Naomi here!!!

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I woke up around 8:30.The alarm was buzzing .Dont want to get up but the alarm is so annoyying.Rubbing my eyes and started blinking till my vision was clear.Then started shaking the twins "get up"I mumbled. They didnt budge. "come on breakfast"Slowly tgey sat up"where"they said in usion ."at the store now get up.we need to hurry it takes 30min to get to the airport so go take your showers quick ones" "how about we shower together"lau asked streching

as I was about to answer my phone rang.larry handed it to me.slide anwer

"hey baby sis im here"




"yep now come let me in these bags are heavy"

"you better be out there I swear if you arent im going to cut you"

"pstt I wish you would .now open this door"


I jumped out the bed and ran to the front door I unlocked it and hugged her tightly causing her to drop her thing"ne I cant breathe!"she grasp patting my back submitting"I thought you werent going to be here till ten""I was but there was another ca you help me"

"sure"I say grabbing two small suitcases

"where are the boys"she asked walking in looking around"this way"I carried her things to the room

"Hey boi"she sang as she walked in

"Naomi"they screamed like playful little children

They hugged her.Lau jumped on the bed pulling me on his lap.Naomi smirked"so what did you do last night"

"nothing"I say looking at lau tattoos

"mhmmm"she gave me a groofy I dobt believe you look"really they wanted to wait"I slightly glance at her"wait hold up what?wait for who"she stepped forward leaning in."you"larry say wrapping his arms around her waist"why me?"she says."they made a bet dont get look at me""money bet"she ask

"no see whos better"I twirled my hair"haha I have better one" "wat"larry asked looking up at her."submission challenge"she smiles proudy.I always loss at that noo.Their faces had confused written allover. "who ever /who ever team submit first loses but in the game we wont be wrestling""okay""boy vs girls but before we do I want a welcome party deal""deal"

sorry late again.writers block im losing the touch. Not really sure it I should end it or just stop writing.well see

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