Jay and Nene get in trouble

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All day I got on jay's nerves. Everywhere he went I went. I'm usually not clingy but bothering him was like having an older brother.

We didn't come home until 10:59pm .As soon as me and jay walked threw the door all we seen was pissed faces. My twins and ....Beyonce! I wanted to hug her but she looked so mad. I hid behind Jay.

"Where have you been?" They all yell

Jay and I jumped back . Standing on my tippy toes I whispered "We can leave the door is right there" Jay nodded

We slowly turned

"Nuh -uh" Bey yelled

"Shit" Jay mumbled

He turned back around but I was still heading out the door

"Neomi!" the twins yelled

I'm going for it. Dashing out the door. I ran to the backyard which was a long run. Halfway there and I'm out of breathe. I'm bent over hands on my knees huffing and puffing. loud footsteps were behind me. Knowing good in well it was Lar and Lau. I sat in the grass. Waiting for them to come.

"Neomi Y you run " Larry said also catching his breathe

"Because I thought I was in trouble" I whined

"Bey wants to talk to you."

"No plz No she'll be mad"

"no she wont "



"carry me" I outstretched my arms to Lau

he reached down but was bumped out the way by Larry who scooped me up

"Bro!" Laurent said punching Larry's shoulder

I laughed in the crook of Larry's neck while I played with his surprisingly soft fro. Laurent walked behind Larry mumbling things under his breathe

My heart pound the closer we got to the door. Once Laurent turned the knob. All I can think about it is Bey being mad possibly yelling. Omg tightly closing my eyes together. The cool ac hit my body making me shiver .Its quite.to...quite. .....HELP!

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