Auditions? The dancing incident

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Finally we get home.I signed in relief. All I want is sleep in a huge bed to myself with candy.My mouth watered thinking about candy eating savoring the taste.Suddenly something tugged my hair.I jumped thinking it was Lau.Turning I see larry with a concern look.

"Neomi? you okay?"he ask getting closer

"yep! im fine you just scared me.Bye!"I ran to our room

peeking inside I see lau on his laptop. Didnt want bother him so I stood outside the door.seconds later Beyonce was walking to her room mascara is running down her face she grabs my arm pulling me to her room.She shut the door and locked it.

"hey babydoll"she smile

"wait were you crying?"

"oh no it was from a scence in "pretty its raining child"

"oh sorry"

"No need for your sorries want a job"

"a job? A paying job?"I smile tucked at my lips

"yes .we're having auditions"

"Auditions couldn't you just give me the job"I asked

"I could but  I want it to be fair"beyonce says wiping her face with a sanitizer wipe I think

"okay what kind of audition"


"No no no"I shook my head

"Y"she looked at me with a hint of disappointment

"its a long story"I sighed laying on her bed

"I got time spill it"

flashback sike

"well when I was 5 my mother took me and my sister to a dance school.We were top of the class .No one could compete .Not to forget that we were flexible. popping splits and doing flips were our speciality*laugh*oh those girls were mad.we danced for 10years straight everyone knew us well in our hometown.But one day a girl name Candice was talking smack being stupid I challenged her.Obviously mad that she was being beat when I was mid flip she pushed me.I landed wrong and messed up my ankle and knee on my left leg.I had to go to therapy of a year.Then I got into other things like studying"

"I would have been devastated"

"I was but my sister whooped her ass.She had to be sent to the ER.She bent her nose.So scared she moved away.My sister dosent play when it comes to my health"

"nice to know know you have such a great sister"

"she...sure is"

"well I wont force you.I just wanted to spend more time together"

"I know what you're doing Bey! but things have been getting strange lately so ill go"

"realy!?!?"she nearly screamed

"yea"I shrugged my shoulders

"good do you mind sleeping with me tonite"

"what about jay?"

"he's pulling an all nighter so he'll be here around 8 possibly 9 but we'll be leaving by then"

"okay ill get my pajamas"


jumping on the bed I jogged to the room right when I was coming in larry was leaving. He took my hand "not know" larry said "my clothes though"

"take this"larry took off his sweatshirt handing it to me

"its so big"

"it no big you small"

"im not small! im fun sized!"I huffed

he rustled my hair"okay funsize"he say laughing walking down the hall.wanting to know why Larry didnt want me to go in.I stood infront of the door. my hand slowly reached for the door.less than an inch away

"NEOMI! "bey yells sounding inpatient

"coming"I yelled running to her room

I still want to know

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