Mrs.Bourgeois (neo and Lau)

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Today the crew is traveling to an amusement park Jay JayZ and (now showing) pregnant Beyonce bought it out 8 hours for all the hard work plus they needed to install something into the stage so we couldn't use it for rehearsals.Bey said its a great way to bond. Everyone thought it would be a great idea to ride on a subway since many people haven't ever been on one before. Personally I'm not a big fan of subway they are always crowded and hot but since larry insisted I decided it couldn't hurt.

One subway

Larry and Laurent were sitting while I hugged the pole that was directly in front of Laurent . The sub shook slightly the lights on and off. Mumbles were  heard left and right since I couldn't make out what anyone was saying boredom started taking over slowly ruining my mood. The guys probably noticed it and began looking at me while they spoke in French. After a while Laurent still up and grab onto the pole "what's wrong Mrs B" he looked down at me. I wish I was taller whenever I look up to him it makes me feel like a small child"Just bored"He pat my head "We're almost there Mrs.B""Mrs B?"   "Mrs.Bourgeois"He says proudly "Bo bou bour" I stuttered unable to pronounce it" forget it "I gave up feeling a little disappointed." you just need practice. Say it again"His fingers combed therw my hair."b b boar boat  ge ge ge o is its to hard!"I groaned. He stepped closer. he was so close to me staring at me intently .no matter how much I tried it wouldn't come out .watching me struggle he seemed amused."come on you almost there"he leans closer "Laurent I dont want to"His lips almost touching mine as he began to speak."we'll stop here if you dont say it." wait where we still on the a subway I glanced to the side seen a crowd looking making me feel uncomfortable and embarrassed. Don't get me wrong I still want to kiss but I don't like the fact I keep messing at his last name."go ahead say it"I closed my eyes then I shouted "ugh Bourgeois! " just as I said his name his lips fell on mine "Laurent people are looking"I pulled back.He shrugged his shoulders "so" "so lets wait later love"He sucked his teeth making a cute poutly face"aww one more kiss" "okay one more"I leaned in he grabbed my cheeck kissing me slipping his tongue in my mouth. I wanted to. im not going to lie I wanted it. There is no place I'd rather be than melting into Laurent arms

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