You are the father!

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Looking down neomi was fast asleep. Her hair scattered all over her face. The nurses took LL in LJ. I wiped the tears from earlier off my face with my sleeve. Larry opened his arms without hesitation I walked into the room hugging him tightly

we slept in that room that night

-3 days later

We came home with our new healthy beautiful bouncing baby boys. Almost everyone we knew friends from home, family, neighbors and even a few fans all came and threw a huge surprise party. Everyone was so excited our mother and Neomi's mother fell in love immediately taking them from us. Our mother continued going on and on about how happy she was and how LL and Lj look just like us when we were younger I'm glad we look similar I'm praying that their mine.But Once Naomi  got a hold of them she refused to let them go.

Neomi was eating up a storm as Larry and I got congratulations left and right.


I went upstairs where neomi was changing LL and LJ diapers.

"Hey belle" I kissed her cheek

"Hey lau have you ever looked closely at them"Neomi glances at me

"Not really why"

" well Laurence I swear looks just like Larry but he has the same cute little mole on his stomach and chin as you do"

I looked and she was right I lightly ran my hand across LL's mole

"Yes werid"

"No No!  Look and Larry Jr looks just like you to me but he has the same birthmark in the exact same place as Larry!"

"Wow amazing"

" I know I was thinking the same thing. Let's hurry and go people are waiting"

She handed me LL and carried LJ. We walked downstairs over to Larry we talked enjoying ourselves until.....

" so who's the father"

The room went quiet. All of were on Neomi Larry and I. The air suddenly became thick making it hard to breathe.

" well don't leave us in suspense"

"Umm wait two seconds"neomi says handing LJ to Larry and speed walked outside

They looked at us. "Everyone come look at their baby pictures so cute!" Naomi yelled getting everyone's attention and  giving us enough time to slip away from the crowd

Neomi pov

Quickly I went outside and pulled out my phone calling my personal doctor he was the guy I met when I found out I was pregnant we really clicked and had a tight bond ever since then. He told me he had the results of the second day after they were born I just didn't tell Larry or Laurent. But since everyone wants to know I might as well.

-less 5mins later

Doctors   came with his usual smile hugging me before walking in with a suitcase.

" gather around big and small!"he yelled getting everyone around attention" what to know the baby's father? If so gather around I say" he dropped his suitcase on the coffee table I'm glad its not glass or we would have had some problems. He opened it.It only contains two sheets of paper. Larry in Laurent  were already sitting on the couch directly in front of him. While everyone was focused on him I took advantage and snuck over to the food area and stuffed my face.

Laurent pov

The man smiled taking the paper out of the case. "Now ladies and gentlemen I want silence ok now in case of Laurence

Bourgeois Larry you...* I help Larry's hand ready to congratulate him in fighting the tears that would have came is LL wasn't mine I hate being emotional that's not like me*... Are not the father! "he yelled." what !"my voice was filled with so many different emotions. Looking do Larry covered his face as if he lost all hope" congrats on your new baby boys" people said. "Everyone shut up I'm not done!" The doctor brought his finger up to his lips.

" in the case of Larry Bourgeois Jr Larry you........ Are the father!

( Laurent is the father of a little obviously I was just getting a tadded bit lazy so I skipped over Laurent )

" Oh? What? Huh?" everyone looked around even Larry in worship we were both happy but still couldn't believe it ourselves

" wait how is that possible!" a fan screamed obviously mad she probably thought she would hook up with me or Larry if we weren't the father.

" I would love to answer your question. Yes indeed it's rare but it's possible(gcf)"the doctor starts but was interrupted

" no no I'm too old for science lesson forget all that just google it "Naomi clapped her hands together"lets eat"

" yes let's eat"" I'm starving"" yeah me too"" everyone started going towards the kitchen

"congrats on your baby boy"  i snook Larry's shook hand

" same to you "he smile shaking my hand

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