I'll still love her

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Its around 1:45pm .Laurent, Larry and I were discussing what to do.They informed me that in order for neomi to stay on life support family must approve. I doubt I could just walk in and say keep her on L.S. they will look atcme like im crazy.The only poeple I think I can get in contact with is my mother and father my phine had all my contacts but its gone .im stuck with a phone the twins mom bought me she's is so nice.I cant call my dad thoe he'll blow a fuse and be on the first flight here which will only cause drama.My mother...I dont know we never really talked or bonded I was a daddy's girl plus I was watching over ne so I never payed her any mind.ill try .

I dailed the number then put it on speaker on the table.

mom :Hello(sweet motherly voice)

me :mom

mom :Naomi dear is that you

me:yes mom its me

mom :oh honey how is modeling.do you like it?

me:yes alot(lau and lar look at me I wave them off)

mom:oh...okay.so why you call honey bear

me :well.... something happened

mom :really are you okay

me :im fine its neomi

mom :what about neomi (her voice turned serious .she always loved me and my sister but I always knew she like ne more since she actually listened and obey.

me :she has been shot and is (gcf)

mom :SHOT!?!!

me :yes and shes on life support we need your approval

mom :no

me :what?

mom :I said no

me :what do you mean no that your daughter!

mom :...ever since you two started getting close you have been nothing but trouble. you have been nothing but a bad influence.maybe this will teach you to listen to me.

me:listen?! Are you listening to yourself! Neomi can die without this!

mom:sorry you feel that way but if she loss her memory, loss brain cells, all that money seems like a waste.

me:a waste! what the fuck yo(gcf)

larry pulled me into his lap covering my mouth I guess he didn't like the fact I was cussing"shhh calm down love plz"he whispered slowly rocking me side to side.I look up at him but quickly look away I hear a chair scrape against the ground. lau grab my phone holding close to him."Hello Mrs. my name is Laurent N Bourgeois and im love with neomi please I will pay all the bill plz give approval I beg you."

"Sir this is my daughter I know whats best"

"Please! I begging you I love her cant live without my little nemo"

"what if she forget everything mr.bourgeois what who you do?"

"we'll make new memories "

"hmmm what if she loss too many brain cells and becomes disabled"

"ill spend my life caring for her"

"hmm and if she ends up dieing anyway"

"I rather her breathe than lay 6feet under"

she went silent forca few moments

".....okay"she sighed

"really? !"his eyes lit up

"ill call but Laurent"

"yes mrs"

"I want you to take good care of her you hear me"

"I promise"

"goodbye young man"

"good bye mom in law"he smiles

she hung up.He looked over at me and rustles my hair"its okay I got this"lau say walking off

He can act all he want we know he is putting up a front.

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