Are U Crazy?!

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I choose staying extremely close to Larry the whole time.Ever since the van incident.

I was successful staying away from from Lau until when larry had to use the bathroom. I stood against the wall looking around at the paintings on the otherside.Suddenly I heard movement behind me looking threw the coner of my eye I see Laurent walking.I hear him stop behind me.

"come"he say pulling up his neck warmer

"why?"I asked turning around .

"come its something I want to show you"

"umm okay"

He grabbed my hand. We took an elevator to the top floor.He pulled me threw the room to a huge baloney

"awwww so beautiful"I say looking over at the scenery. Laurent pulled the glass door shut

"why did you b (gcf)"lau wrapped his arms around my waist. His chin rested on my shoulder

"Lau?"I say uneasy

"yes?"he says moving closer to my neck.

"why did you bring me here"I asked feeling my body heat.He's to close.

"Danger"he whispered in my ear


"DANGER!"he pushed me against the rail

"LAU ARE YOU CRAZY! ?!?"I yelled

"you like danger I give you danger"he gently bites my ear

"No I like safe"I say as he leans over me making me look down at the car riding by.My heart was beating threw my chest.Laurent is on that stuff! I shoved him back off of me

a smirk spread on his face.He pushed me back and now my back was against the rail.He grabbed both my legs making me sit on the thin rail.I grabbed onto Laurent for dear life."Laurent dont drop me×3"I begged with my eyes shut tight"hmm?"he say looking down causing me to lean backwards. "ill do anything dont drop me!" "okay"he let my legs go letting them touch the floor.Holding my chest looking for my heart.what have I gotten my self into

hey I personally dont really like this chapter im wondering whether or not to delete it. plz comment :)

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