Emotions Part 1

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"Wake up Nene." A faint, familiar, and soothing voice called out. I groaned under my pillow.

"I have food!"

Quickly, I stood up looking around for food. Naomi smiled laying a tray of food on my lap.  I looked at the plate and seen bacon, eggs, pancakes, and french toast with a side of orange juice. Snatching the fork I quickly dove in. The french toast tasted like it was made by the gods of breakfast.

"What's the catch?" I asked, wiping syrup off of my lip. She sat beside me watching as I shoved the food down my throat. I swallowed, then looked at her. "Is this because of last night?"

She looked down playing with her thumbs. "No." Liar.

"Oh! So you're lying to me now?!" I said.

"I'm not lying." she furrowed her eyebrows.

I narrowed my eyes. "It's not your fault! For the one hundredth time!"

"It is! I'm your big sister and I am supposed to protect you!!" She said.

"First of all, your older than me by like... 2 minutes" I said with a matter of fact tone.

She rolled her eyes,"It doesn't matter. I don't think we should see them anymore." She sounded like our mother.

"Why? Because I got a little scratch?" It was my turn to furrow my eyebrows.

"What if it happens again!?" She yelled.

"Oh well! Life is life! Sure, Larry and Laurent invited us to the party, but they also saved us before anything happened! It's not their fault the guys who attacked us were dicks."

"Still. I won't allow it."She crossed her arms.

"You cant stop me." I felt bad for saying it but this chick was really annoying me. "I understand you're concern, but I can handle myself."

"Neomi..."she frowned.

I wasn't done. "You want to know the reason why people treat me like shit? Like I can't do anything for myself? It's because you act like I'm a piece of glass that can't be broken! Naomi, I need some cracks. My whole life, I've been under you! And I'm tired of it." I kept going. "Sure the guy beat the crap out of me, but I felt alive. Since the beginning, I've wanted to trade places with you. I want to be crazy, be comfortable around people, and have wild fun. I want to be excited!" I admitted. " Naomi I'm-"

"Stop! Stop talking!" She yelled before I could finish. "You don't understand.. "

I blinked. "What don't I understand?"

"I love you Nene. I can't let things happen to you, I love you too much." her voiced cracked as water started to appear in her eyes.

I felt so bad, but this had to be said. "I love you too Naomi, and I appreciate everything you've done for me, but you got to let me go. I can't grow in your shadow"

A tear fell down her cheek. "Okay." With that, she turned away from me and ran to her room shutting my bedroom door.

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