Larry vs Neomi dance battle

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There I was standing right in front of Larry Bourgeois. Nervousness washed over me.clouding up my mind. On the outside I will smiling not giving a care in the world but in the Inside i was throwing up. My hands begin to shake i shoved them into my pocket. The DJ was hyping up the crowd.Jay-Z and Beyonce looked down on us from the V.I.P room.Bey gave me two thumbs up.Jay on the other hand was signaling Larry to destroy me. If only there wasn't so many people. I would have dipped. I know what larry capable of. The crowd started shouting twin twin twin twin! the other side shouted Larry larry larry. I covered my face feeling butterflies in my stomach.

"Dont be scared now"larry laughed

"no ones scared im just tired of might wanna run away well the DJ is still stalling"

Why would you say that! I mentally yelled

"oh okay"larry says "I destroy you"

"ohhh im sooo scared"I say

Suddently the beat drop. is over! I pointed to larry  telling him to go first.

Showing no mercy like I knew he would. His dances were unpredictable with every hit. His footwork blew me out the water. I can't give up what would naomi  think. I cant start giving up. He does the Michael Jackson lean. MJ! So I can put that in mind. wait I know exactly what to do a .smirk spread across face I'm a give him a run for his money

larry back up letting me take the stage.

Just let the music consume you. That's definitely what I did. I did a split and came back up in one movement .I do the Michael Jackson lean but went way father than larry. quickly a spinned and stood on my toes .My freestyle . i move my whole body it was so amazing I felt myself just letting go I almost forgot that I was battling.the music coursing through me like blood.Lau popped into my mind.letting go.I dropped to the floor and came up.I did the deathdrop! LAU MOVE IT DID IT! Larry ran to me hugging me tightly.I still couldn't believe it.

"oooooohhhhh!"the crowd cheered

"Wait hold up hold up  and hold on that was only round 2. She has one more opponent"the dj yelled over the crowd.

"who?"everyone said in usion.

"me!"lau smiled waving to the crowd

oh my goodness

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