Reunited (Lau +Neo)

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Neomi pov

Its pouring down raining.I can barely see down the street.The coat I was wearing is now soaked, dripping wet.Only 5 more minutes to go *THUNDER*Nope! I going back I am not about to get strucked by lightning.*THUNDER*Now im getting a little scared my heart is beating faster and faster.Studendly I saw lightning light up the shy.Im no longer speed walking im now running like all hell broke loose.My hair clung to face as rain pelted me  .Pushing it out my face not paying attention I stepped into a hole falling into wet grass.ow my ankle .Things arent going my way.I sigh.

Laurent pov

Its raining outside and I just left the store we needed more tape for the boxes. It was nice to finally get out the house. The sound of rain pounding against the windshield isnt something I would normally enjoy hearing but today it was so relaxing. Im about 3minutes from the house I noticed a person soaked in rain limping along side the road.Normal people would keep driving but I dont mind staying out driving around it helps clears my head.Slowly pulling up beside the person.I rolled down the widow"Hey you want a ride! "I ask with my wide welcoming smile."no thank"he person says turning away."youll get sick"I say trying to look at the person face."no thank you again"the person says again."but""Lau I said no thanks!"a female familar voices says.

Wait..."Neomi? "I squint my eyes .yep it was her."Nope im pablo"she says"really? I not stupid"I unlocked the door"get in"I say patting the seat."youre lucky im cold and wet"she opened the door and sat down"why arent you at the hospital" "because. ....."she looks at me then at her fingers"I grabbed her small cold hands raising them to my lips softly kissing them."tell me I worry""cant "she looks away.Then pulls off ring I gave her"here its a sweet gift but I cant"she trys to hand it to me.I push it away "neomi its yours"I push her hand away"no lau take it"say pushes it back"Neomi put it on"I say leaning away dogding the ring."Lau"  "no" "lau" "nope" "!" "neda" "Laurent!!"she threw it at my forehead and started laughing.I grabbed it and her hand."if you dont put this or ill super glue it on"I playfully yell sliding it back on her ringer finger. She was laughing loudly and hard."I missed your  stupiness lol I mean silliness"she runs her finger threw my hair with her cold hands.I smiled the thought of her missing me."can we go i(gcf)"I kissed her before she could finish.I really needed it and by the way she reacted she needed it to.Never have I felt so much passion in a kiss so much feeling.we slowly parted her cheeks slightly a pinkish red color.I lean over to her ear pushing the wet hair out the way "together"I whispered"forever"she whispers back as we lean touching foreheads

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