Hanging with Friends

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Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in a bit. One more thing, this picture was made by Kiwi; it's a close up of A. Anyway, here's the new chapter! (WARNING: Extreme sibling humor XD)

-Luna's POV-

"Hey!" I shouted, glaring at Circo with an annoyed look. "Don't drop the debris into the ocean." Circo groaned and started picking the debris up. The gems and the trio of us kids have to help with cleaning up. There was a lot of debris from when the ship crashed. Circo brought the stuff to the pile that the gems were making. I sighed and sat down in the sand, feeling a lot more tired then normal.

Steven ran over to me and handed me a water bottle. "Thanks Steven," I said. I opened it and, instead of drinking it, I turned it over and dumped the whole bottle onto my head. As the water dripped and slid down my clothes and skin, I sighed and felt my energy come back a little. Even though I had healed of my physical wounds, the mental weariness was still there. On top of that, I had yet found my mother's broken bow among this wreckage. I'm sad that it's broken; I can't use my weapon now. But at least I had my water and moon abilities. I also had Astra, who helped me out with my water abilities.

But still....it was as if I had lost my mother, even though I never really met her.
Steven helped me up and I said, "How about the three of us look further down the beach so that we can clear this debris?"

Circo and Steven nodded and we went further down the beach. "Here's some guys!" Steven yelled. We ran over and helped Steven by digging in the sand. As Circo and Steven dug, I pulled the debris out. I wasn't paying much attention to who was walking up behind me, so when I lost my footing, I wasn't expecting anybody to catch me.

Let alone that person being A.

"Glad I caught you," he said.

I felt my face blush fifty shades of red as I stared up at him. "A!" I said, feeling like an idiot. "Wh-wh-what are you doing here?!"

"Well, I'm here with the gang," he said, helping me up. I looked behind him and saw Sour cream, Jenny, and Buck behind A.

"Hey Luna girl," Jenny said smiling.

"Sup'," said Sour cream and Buck.

"Oh! Hey guys," I said, just as Steven and Circo poked there heads out of the hole to see what was happening.

"Hi guys!" Steven said excitedly.

A laughed and said, "Hey Steven. And I don't think we've met." He looked at Circo, who stared back at A with a look of curiosity. A stuck a hand out and said, "The name's A."

"Circo," Circo said, shaking his hand. I smiled; they seem to get along. Steven turned to Jenny and asked, "So what's up?"

"We were about to go chill in the parking lot and freak out some squares," Jenny said. A laughed and something in my heart twinged by how he laughed. I placed my hand over my chest; what the heck was that? I wasn't paying much attention, until I heard A say, "See you later, Luna!"

I looked up in time to see him wink at me, before walking away with the others. I sighed and smiled. Circo raised an eyebrow and said, "Are you okay Luna?"

"Huh? Why do you ask?"

"Look at your feet."

I did and cursed under my breath. The water that was dripping off of me, from when I dumped the water bottle on my head, were forming into little hearts. I quickly wiped those out and said, "I'm fine."

Circo stilled had his eyebrow raised and was looking between me and A as he walked away. 

"Let's get back to finding the debris," I said, trying to get everybody back to work. Steven smiled, knowing full well what the hearts meant. Circo, still trying to figure out, went back to work.

Child of the MoonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora