Dragon Hatching

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(This is Jessica)

Charlotte's p.o.v.

Jessica was digging and little hole in her room, Crow walked in "Jessa what are you doing". Yusei clawed his back, Luna smiled and walked off. She jumps as she was in her dragon form and sits on top of the hole "nothing babe", Jack does the same. I pouted like a puppy "where you going", Luna "going on patrol". Yusei smirked and kissed him, Crow looked in the hole. "OK, be careful" kissing her and laying down, he kisses back moaning. 

Jessica's p.o.v.

I try covering the hole but my leg moved a little not much showing what might be an egg, Crow looked at her "do dragons hide their eggs". Yusei kissed jacks neck,  Luna left with some of the wolves. "not my breed, I was doing it because of shame" I watch the egg, he moans louder. Some pups and their kids come in she tell them to be careful, "daddy aunt Jessica laid an egg" Rose almost yelled where the whole den could hear. Charlotte got up and looked in her room shocked, Crow blinked "is it yours Jessica you don't need to be ashamed". Jaden came "wow cool an egg", Yusei heard but was to busy with jack. "OK, yusei's better be happy" watching more and see my daughter watch with me, Jesse comes in with food in his dragon form laying food in front of his sister. 

Charlotte smiles and goes to her room and sleeps, Crow "so is it yusei's baby then". Jaden "if it is damn that boy can breed", Yusei held onto jack and moaned.  "yes it's his, are you mad" looking at crow wrapping my tail around the hole, "yep, he got me, jack, and Jessa prego" Jesse laughed. Jack moans in pleasure arching his back, Crow "no i'm not mad also um i kinda did jack". Jaden "he also did me but i didn't get preggo", Yusei started to ride him. Shrugs and tackles crow licking him, Jesse "damn your guys are some horny ass people", Jack holds his hips. Crow "says you since you and jaden bang all the time", Jaden "shhhhhh". Yusei moaned and blushed, "wanna go bird brain" Jesse growls. 

I smack Jess with the fan of my tail then start hearing cracking noises, Jack smirked and rammed him. Crow looked at the egg "yusei needs to be here", Jaden "he banging jack right now". Luna "hi guys", Yusei came all over Jack. "hey, wanna watch a dragon be born" Jesse looked at her, "hey babe what's happening" Charlotte kiss Luna.  Jack cums inside Yusei, "Yusei get your ass in here before I rip your cock off" I threatened. Rose hugs Luna and Charlotte watching the hatching, Yusei came in with jack as they were dressed as he was shocked. Crow started to record it, Luna "wow I've never seen this kind of birth". Jaden smiled, "I birth it an month ago it just hatching" I laughed a yusei's face. 

The pack stands outside watching, Everyone watched the egg start to crack and a little piece of black hair popped out. Yusei sniffed the egg as it cracked more and a little leg came out, I smiled more. The small baby was almost put as it broke the egg but his head was covered by the shell, I took the shell off a lick him clean. The little baby had jet black hair with golden tips and tan skin but his eyes were still closed. I go to my human form and let him feed, The little one suckled happily but kept his eyes closed as everyone awed. "what should his name be" looking straight at yusei smiling, Yusei thought for a second "zerxcis". "OK" smiling kissing his head.

Charlotte's p.o.v.

I snuck out of the den hearing sniffling noises then finding a small boy that might be close to Kazuma's age, I carefully walk to him in my wolf form, Yusei chuckled as the baby opened his eyes as they were a mixture of yuseis' and Jessica's eyes. Crow "wow", Jaden "he's beautiful". Atem backed away from her, Jessica nods, "wait little one I want to help, take you back to my den a call your parents" I laid on the ground, Atem slowly went to her and hugged her. Jesse looks around as something was off. Yusei also looked around, "what's your name little one mine is Charlotte" looking at him. "where's Charlotte" Jesse doesn't see her, Atem looked at her "my name is atem". 

Yusei shrugged "maybe out in the forest, The baby looked around. I rubbed against his showing friendliness "let go call your parents, they must be worried", Jessica goes into her dragon form and ate the food Jesse left .The kids were playing with yami as he saw charlotte come back with atem "atem". Yusei was cleaning his newborn son, "and you are" nuzzling against atem. Jessica chuckled "careful she may bite", Jack came "chill Charlotte this is yami a good friend of yusei's". Yusei "yeah we have been through so much together", Atem ran to yami. "he's cute where's the mother" walking to Luna, Rose says hi to atem. Atem was shy, Yami "it's complicated".

Yuzei "sure is", "what you do cheat" glaring. "name rose" going into wolf form, Yami "no nothing like that it's just the atem is from the past". Yusei "hes yami's past self", "Oh".

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