Yusei Chooses Zane To Be His King

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Yami had the pups in a carrier, Vizor was sitting under Yami looking at the carrier barking softly. The pups were curled up as the smallest was on her brother, Vizor smiles at them wagging his tail. The pups slept as the vet came over, Vizor looks the vet. They went to a room, Vizor follows them. The vet checked the smallest pup, Vizor watches the vet closely and licks the pups. "I'm surprised this little one made it" said the vet as she checked the runt, Vizor licks his littlest pup. Yugi nods "when we got home Vizor had pushed her out and wasn't moving and Yami rubbed her to get her to breath", the vet nodded "do you know if this is Vizor's first litter" she put the small pup back and got the middle pup.

Vizor nods at her question, "we don't know when Jack and Vizor mated, maybe before they were caught in the woods" Yugi shrugged. The vet nodded "seeing as it is his first litter snd how he was cought while he was pregnant that would explain why his pup was so small he got lucky this time", Vizor whines. "the catcher caught them" Yugi says, "Do you know if they came from a pack" the vet asked. "Do you know if they came from a pack, she went to Jack and checked his paws. Vizor watched her, She noticed he had small prints on his paws from sticks and stones "I'm surprised they came back every time" "Jack looks like a wolf" Yugi nods. Jack humphed as he turned away with his tail up, "he acts like one to" Yami chuckles.

"I think I saw him bang an orange cat" Yugi says, Vizor giggles. Jack looked over at them and walked off taking the carrier with him, Vizor follows Jack. They went back to the car, Vizor nuzzles Jack. Jack put the pups on the seat, Vizor hops in the car. They waited for Yami to come back, Vizor paws at the carrier whining. The pups were sleeping, Vizor smiles laying down. Their owners came and they went home, Vizor nuzzles Jack. Jack was asleep, Vizor licks his ears clean. Jack laid his head on his paws, Vizor lays his head on Jack's back purring. The pups moved around, Vizor looks in the carrier and paws at it wanting his pups whining. Yami looked at him from the mirror "hold on boy we are almost home", Vizor pouts whining.

Yami drove, Vizor sighs whining louder. Yami ignored him as it wasn't safe to take the pups out, Vizor bites at the door of the carrier whining, Yami looked at him "Vizor stop it". Vizor whines and bites the part were it opens not listening, Yami looked at him "Vizor stop it or your sleeping outside". Vizor growls at the threat, "babe the pups are too small, and they haven't opened their eyes and ears yet and they need his milk" Yugi says. Yami looked at him "we are in the car they can wait until we get home" he said as he kept driving, "I was talking about if you put him outside, what if it rains and the pups are hungry, him and the pups will get sick" Yugi pouts.

Vizor snaps and Yami, "I'm not putting him outside I'll put him in the garage and the pups will be fine this isn't my first litter you know" Yami said. "and he wants to be with them, what do you mean it isn't your first litter" Yugi asked confused, Yami looked over at him "my old dog had a litter she had five pups one of them was this little male wolf but he was born wild he had many owners but each of them abandoned him and so he doesn't trust humans". Vizor perks his head and showed him a picture of Yusei, a black female wolf that looks like Yusei walks across the street. "was it black with yellow streaks and blue eyes" Yugi looks at the wolf crossing the street, Yami parked the car and nodded "everyone called him the untamed shadow everyone was after him but no one knows where he is" "that wolf looks like him" Yugi points.

The female wolf walks in their yard, Vizor nudged Jack and barks softly saying they were home. Jack opened his eyes and yawned, Yami nodded "that's his mother" "there's a smaller one following her" Yugi looks. The female wolf lays down feeling really tired, Yusa jumps around. Vizor nuzzles him, Jack went and nuzzled Yusa gently and Yusei's mother. The pups moved around everywhere, "shes really old" Yami smiles at her. Yusa purrs and yelps when the pups kicked, the wolf nuzzles back smiling. Vizor whines for his pups, "what's her name" Yugi asked. Yami set the carrier in the living room as the pups were to young to go outside "her name is Hazuma shes the wolfs mother", Vizor follows Yami.

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