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Sakura holds a pillow whining into it as her water broke, Kamia was taking a shower when her water broke. Their lovers popped in and their eyes widened as they took them to the doctor, the girls cries loudly feeling the baby coming. The doctor came in and prepared them, the girls scream. The babies came, the girls pants smiling. They cleaned up the babies and took them to get the stuff done, the girls waited for their babies. Soon the nurses came with the cleaned up babies as they were wrapped in blankets, the girls held their arms out. They handed them the babies, the girls smiled. The babies slept peacefully, the girls fell asleep holding them. The babies suckled, the girls smiled rubbing their backs. 

The babies ate happily, the girls kiss their heads purring. The babies yawned, the girls looked for their mates while humming and rocking the little ones to sleep. The boys came in as they had to sign the birth certificates, "hey" the girls sounded tired. They smiled and nuzzled them "hello", the girls hands them their baby. Crystal opens the window crawling out carefully to not make a noise, Yusei was asleep in the shade next to her room. The fathers held their babies, Crystal trips and fell "damnit" she opens her wings flying off. The girls smiles "what do you want to name them", Yusei continued to sleep. Crystal fly to Crimson's cave, Crimson was waiting for her. Asteck smiled "we shall name him Asteck jr.". 

Archfiend smiled "how about Lilly", Crystal landed folding her wings and walked in "hey". Kamia giggles "sure", Sakura smiles "its beautiful". Crimson smiled and licked her neck, Asteck smiled "how about Aster". Archfind smiled, Crystal blushed gasping moaning. "its beautiful" Kamia smiles, Sakura smiles back. Crimson pinned her down, Archfiend smiled. Asteck nuzzled her, Crystal blushed. Sakura smiles kissing Lilly's head, Kamia nuzzles back. Archfiend smiled and purred, Asteck smiled. Crimson smirked and pinned her down, Sakura purrs. Kamia smiles giggling, Crystal blushed "come get me". Crimson smirked and thrusted, Asteck sat down. Archfiend smiled, Crystal moans. 

Kamia looks at him, Sakura yawns a little. Crimson kissed her, Asteck held the baby. Archfiend talked with the baby, Crystal kissed back. The girls yawned but didn't want to sleep, Crimson continued. The males nuzzled them, Crystal moans louder. The girls nuzzle back, "Go to sleep". Crimson got bigger, the girls nod dozing off. Crystal arches moaning even louder, Crimson smirked and sucked on her breasts. Crystal gasped when she felt something come out, He looked at her as he had milk in his mouth. Crystal was blushing and confused, Kazuma snuck out of the hospital getting on her runner driving off. Asteck was asleep with their baby, Crimson looked at her. 

Kazuma drives even though her wounds haven't healed yet, Crystal looks at him. Blackwing flew after her, Crimson got off. Kazuma kept driving then hit a bump and groaned holding her side, "babe" Crystal whimpers. Blackwing came down and scooped her up, Crimson looked at her. "hey my runner" Kazuma pouted, "babe" Crystal gets up and walks to him. Crimson looked at her "are you pregnant", Blackwing looked at her. "I haven't took a test" Crystal looks at him, "hi babe" Kazuma smiles. Crimson gave her one, Blackwing looked at her "you should be resting". Crystal walked to the bathroom and took it and waits for results, "I was driving home" Kazuma pouted. 

Blackwing took her back to the hospital, Crimson waited. "I wanna go home and see our baby girl" Kazuma whines, Crystal was shocked when she saw the pick plus "babe will you be mad if I was pregnant". Blackwing "yusei is watching her don't worry", Crimson "no I wouldn't I want babies". Kazuma still pouted, "well...daddy" Crystal opens the door and showed the ping plus. Crimson grabbed her and put her in his car as he drove to the baby store, Blackwing smiled. Crystal blinks "umm we don't need baby stuff this early", Kazuma smiles. Crimson "we need to be prepared", Blackwing smiled.  "ok" Crystal smiles, Kazuma yawns a little. Blackwing laid her down, Crimson parked. 

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