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I have been Jack's girlfriend for almost a year. The boys are on tour and I am joining them for their last date. While they are on stage doing sound check, I was backstage, like always, watching my amazing boyfriend and his friends perform.

While the boys are at the VIP meet and greet before the show, I am waiting backstage in their dressing room. When the boys come back in, Jack is holding a can of green hairspray in his hands. I know that every time the Roadies give him coloured hairspray, I know that he's not only going to spray it in his hair. I've known Jack for too long to know that he's going to be normal with hairspray. So Rye takes the hairspray and sprays it straight in his mouth.
"Rye!" I scream and jump up from the couch I was sitting on.
"What?" Rye laughs and sprays some in Jack's hair.
I just shake my head, asking myself how Jack hasn't already died because of the millions of times he's spray stuff in his mouth.

I look at Andy and he just shakes his head too.
"How can you date such a freak?" Andy smiles.
"Honestly I have no idea." I laugh.
"You want a coffee?" He asks and I nod.
The two of us leave the room and go to the small kitchen which is next to the dressing room.
After Andy and I finish our coffee, we go back and join the others. As soon as I walk in to the dressing room, Jack jumps out in front of me. At first I just stare at him and think, what the hell? But then I just have to laugh because he looks so funny.

"Oh my god, Jack, what..." I can't stop laughing.
We all just laugh at what an idiot Jack as being. After a while Jack tries to get the colour off his face but it wasn't working that well.
"Kaylee? Can you please help me?" He asks.
I walked into the kitchen with him and help him clean his face. While I was cleaning his face, he's just standing, with his back against the worktop, facing me, staring at me. Which is making me nervous.
"Jack please stop staring at me. Your making me nervous." I mumble.
"I make you nervous? You make me nervous." He answers.
"Please stop staring Jacky." I smile, knowing he hates the nickname.
"Teasing, huh? I can do that too." He says, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me closer towards him, pushing his lips against mine.
Jack's hands travel from my waist down to my bum, giving it a quick squeeze.
"Guys, please we have kids in here." Andy says walking into the kitchen with Brook.
"Hey, I'm older than Jack." Brooks says.

I just keep kissing Jack. Then we pull back and I look into his eyes.
"I love you Kaylee! Thanks for travelling up here for tour. I know you hate long car journeys." Jack whispers.
"Anytime. As long as your with me, I would go anywhere. I love you too." I answer.
Jack's smile grows and he kisses me again.

"Jack the shows starting." Sonny shouts from outside the door. Jack kisses me a last time, then rushes out out on stage.

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