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Andy and I have been a couple for a year now and he still hasn't met my family yet. So that's why we're going out to eat with them today. Andy is already really nervous but also very happy to finally meet my family. We arrive at the restaurant and go inside to eat. It seems like my parents really like Andy and the rest of my family too.

Especially my stepsister. She's complementing Andy the whole time and try's to flirt with him. Even if Andy doesn't flirt with her, I am very jealous because since we were little my stepsister wants what I have. If I have a new pair of shoes, a few days later she has them too. Then the same with friends and boyfriends. She already 'stole' my boyfriend one time.

Now she's laying her hands on Andy. Helplessly Andy looks at me.
"Andy, you are such a hot and talented boy, what are you doing with Hattie?" My sister says with her flirty voice.
"What?" Andy asks kinda shocked.
"I mean you deserve someone better than Hattie." She says. "Someone who is prettier and smarter." She adds.
Suddenly Andy stands up.
"Hattie is the most beautiful girl in the entire world. She is ten times prettier than you and she doesn't need ten tons of make-up. Also she is the most intelligent and smartest people I know. She is always there for me when I need her and it's fucking disgusting that you say such things about your sister. Even if she's only your stepsister." Andy says.
He looks really angry and my stepsister looks shocked. Just like the rest of my family. Andy grabs my hand and stands up.
"It's nice to meet you." He says.
Then he pulls me out of the restaurant. Outside he turns around.
"Hattie, I'm really sorry for..." He starts but I stop him by kissing him.
"Thank you." I whisper with tears in my eyes.
"I love you, Hattie and will always protect you, no matter what or who." Andy says and kisses me again.

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