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I want to visit my family in Ireland but the stupid plane has a huge delay. So I just sit on the floor of the waiting area because all the chairs are occupied. Suddenly a tall boy with brown hair sits next to me.
"It's always the flight to Ireland." He smiles.
I smile back.
"Yeah it's not the first time." I answer.
"So do you often go to Ireland?" He asks.
"Yes I am. My family lives in there so I visit them often." I explain.
"My family lives in Ireland too." He says.
So the two of us sit on the floor and smile at each other for a while.
"I'm Hazel by the way." I say to break the silence.
"Oh I'm Jack, sorry I was just, you are just so, pretty." Jack stutters.
I blush and look down.
"And you are incredibly cute when you blush." He adds.
I blush even more and laugh.
"Please stop?"
"Why should I? It's the truth." Jacks says.
Jack and I talk for the next three hours. Then finally the plane arrives. The two of us go into the plane, unfortunately our seats aren't next to each other.
After the airplane landed in Ireland, the two of us exchange phone numbers.
"Please call me later, I really want to meet you again." Jack says and takes my hand.
"I will." I smile.
Jack smiles too and carefully bends forward to gently kiss my cheek. I blush and say bye to Jack. A few days later Jack and I meet. I have a lot of fun, walking through Ireland talking about our home country and other stuff. I really like him. After our third 'date' Jack takes me home. Before he leaves he kisses me gently. He lays his hands on my cheek. Carefully my hands wander through his hair.
"Bye Hazel." Jack whispers and leaves.

Since that evening we meet nearly everyday and became a couple really quickly.

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