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Me and the boys have been friends for a few weeks now and I have become really close with Rye. Today I am visiting them again. I knock at the door and Jack opens it.
"Hey Romy, come in. I think Rye is in his room, he wants to talk to you." He says.

I nod and walk up the stairs to Rye's room. Suddenly I hear loud voices coming from his room.
"Just fuck off Rye." I hear Andy shouting.
"What's your problem Andy?" Rye asks.
"You are my problem." Andy says.
"What have I done? Explain it to to me Andy because I don't understand you. You have been acting so weird the last few weeks." Rye says again.
"You want to know what's wrong?" Andy says and I can see through the small gap in the door that he is rubbing his neck nervously. "It's because of Romy. I hate it. I hate it the way you look at her like that and the way you touch her." He shouts.
Rye stares at Andy like he's an alien from Mars. Then he smirks and starts to laugh.
"What's so funny?" Andy asks, angrily.
"Didn't you notice that Romy has a crush on you?" Rye laughs.
"Fuck you Ryan." I say accidentally.
Quickly I lay a hand on my mouth.
"Romy? Have you been listening to us the whole time?" Andy asks, shocked.
Shyly, I nod.
"I think I will leave you two alone." Rye says and wants to go out of the room but I hold him back.
"So you were jealous of Rye?" I ask Andy.
He nods, shyly.
"I thought that you liked him because you were always hanging out with him." He says.
"Because I was asking him for advice about you." I admit.
"Really?" Andy asks surprised.
I don't answer and just wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him.

Gently he kisses me back and stroke my cheek.
"I really like you." He whispers, after the kiss.
"I like you too." I say and smile.

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