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For a while I have been Jack's girlfriend and we told the Roadies a week ago. They weren't very happy but I didn't get any hate, until now.

Today I got a message.
"Fuck off. Jack deserves something better than you. Someone who is prettier and skinner than you."
I am very upset because this is not the only hate message.

In the next days I get more of those messages. They are all calling me fat and ugly. I don't tell Jack about it. I don't him to worry about me.

Today I am in Jack's room, he's in the living room with the boys, filming something for a cover. I am on my phone scrolling through all the hate messages, which makes me cry.

I am sad that the Roadies don't accept me.

Suddenly Jack enters the room and sees me crying. Quickly he comes over to me and hugs me.
"What's wrong babe?" He asks worried.
I just shake my head and cry even more.
"Saxby tell me." He says and kisses my head.
"They hate me." I sob.
"Who?" He asks.
"The fans." I whisper.
"What?" Jack asks angrily.

I show him my phone.
"Wow, hey Saxby, you know that everything they said is not true." He says and lays his fingers under my chin and pull my head gently up so I look at him.
"I don't know. What if they are right? There are so many super skinny girls you could have. Why me? Maybe they are better than me." I sob again.
"No, Saxby, I don't want those girls, I want you because you are the girl, who makes me happy every day. You are the most beautiful girl in the world. Your body is perfect. I love you just the way you are." Jack says.
I smile and kiss him.
"I love you." I whisper after the kiss.
Later Jack starts a livestream and tells the Roadies that they should stop hating me because if they hate me they aren't real Roadies.

A few days later the hate stops. I am very happy and even if there is a single hate messages, I ignore them because I know Jack loves me.

RoadTrip Imagines Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora