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For a while I have had a crush on my brothers friend, Rye. He has brown hair, brown eyes, he's really sporty and he sings like an angel. My brother, Brooklyn, doesn't know I like Rye. I don't know if he would be cool with it because he was always kind of protective.

Today I join the boys to watch them filming a new cover. The whole time Rye winks at me which makes me blush.
"Rye, stop this shit!" Brooklyn says angrily.
Rye looks at him but doesn't say anything. Then he looks back at me. I can see that he tries to hide a smile.

After the boys finished the cover Rye comes over to me and takes my hand.
"Where are we going?" I ask.
Rye doesn't answer and lays one hand on my cheek and one on my hip. Slowly he comes closer. Our lips are nearly touching but he's waiting. Waiting like he's waiting for my permission to kiss me. So I lay my lips on his. First the kiss was gentle but then it gets more passionate.

"Opal?" I hear Brook screaming.
Shocked I turn around and see him standing in front of me and Rye.
"Take you fucking hands off my sister!" Brook shouts angrily and pulls Rye away from me.
"Brook, please!" I say.
"What please?!" He says still angry. "I will not let him play with you! Your my little sister. I won't let him hurt you!" He adds to looks me in the eye.
"I would never hurt her!" Rye says and lays a hand on Brook's shoulder. "Listen mate, I know it's not cool to go out with my best friends sister but I really like her! Seriously! I would never hurt her. She's my princess! The only thing is to make her happy. Isn't that what you want her to be? Happy?" He explains.
I smile. Brook doesn't say anything for a while and just stares at me and then at Rye.
"I swear to god, if you hurt her or don't make her happy I'm going to kill you!" Brook says quietly.
"Ahh so this is a yes! Thank you so much! I love you! Your my favourite brother!" I scream and hug Brook.
"You only have one brother!" He laughs.

"But please no making out while I'm in the room!" He says as soon as I turn back around to Rye who smiles.
"Okay!" Me and Rye say and laugh.

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