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"What am I doing here?" I ask myself while I walk on a road with a lot of bushes and trees.
I can't even call it a road. Actually I am on the way to a birthday party of a friend but my car has stopped working. It stands a few hundred meters from here and unfortunately my phone has died. Now I am looking for any houses and maybe someone to help me.

So I have been walking along this road for a while now.
"Why are there no houses? I just need someone so I can ask to borrow a phone." I mumble to myself.
Suddenly it starts to rain, heavily but luckily right in this moment I see a house behind the trees. I run over to the house and knock on the door. A tall boy with brown hair opens the door.
"Sorry for bothering you but my phone has died, I don't know where I am and my car..." I start but the boy stops me.
"First of all, come in, you are completely soaked. You are going to get ill."

At first I am a little surprised but then I go in.
"So can I maybe use your phone to call the recovery service for my car?" I ask.
"I'm sorry to disappoint you but just now, you won't get any service. The phone lines are down." He explains.
"So what should I do now?" I ask, desperately.
"You can sleep here." He suggests.
"Ehm, I'm not sure. I mean I don't even know your name." I say, unsure.
"Oh I'm Jack, I'm not a murderer if that's what your thinking." He laughs, nervously.

I decide to stay over night with Jack. The next day, after my phone has been charged and there is phone service, I phone the recovery service to come and pick my car up. I say good bye to Jack and the rest of the boys but as I turn to leave Jack holds me back.
"Astrid, please wait." Jack says.
He asks me to stay. We spend the whole day together and it is amazing. Jack is super sweet and we become a couple.

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