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Today I am visiting my cousin, Sonny, at his new house. So I ring the door bell. A boy with curly blonde hair opens the door. He gets big eyes as soon as he sees me. We stare at each other for a while. Suddenly another boy appears behind the boy with the curly hair.
"Ehm, Brook, bro, wouldn't it be a good idea to let our guest in?" He says.
"Oh yeah, come in." The boy, named Brook, stutters.

So I go inside the house.
"Ehm, so you must be Sonny's cousin." Brook says and looks at me with his bright green eyes.
I just nod.
"So Sonny is still at the studio with Andy. He just text me saying it will take a few more hours." He explains. "Do you want to eat something or watch a movie until he's back?" Brook offers.
"Yeah sounds great." I agree.
So we go to Brooklyn's room with some food. We sit down on his bed and and start the movie.

Whilst the movie is playing we talk a lot and I really like him, even if I've only known him for an hour. After a while of watching the movie without talking, I fall asleep. As soon as I wake up, I look into a pair of green eyes which are watching me.
"Oh hey. You're awake." Brooklyn smiles.
"Were you watching me?" I ask and smirk.
"Maybe." He whispers.
"Why?" I ask.
"Because you are really pretty and I really like you." Brook admits.
My face comes dangerously close and my lips are nearly meeting his, when somebody storms into the room.
"Yisraella, I've missed..." Sonny starts but stops as soon as he sees the two of us. "Oh am I bothering you?" He asks.
I jump up and hug my cousin.
"I've missed you too." I say.
"I think we can talk later. Finish whatever you were doing but the door stays open." Sonny says.

"Sonny." I laugh.
Sonny leaves and I turn around to Brooklyn. He stands in front of me.
"Let's finish what we've started." He whispers and finally kisses me.

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