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I am coming home from a long day at work. I had to walk home because my car doesn't work and it's so fucking cold outside.

So I ring the door bell at my house, where my boyfriend and I are living because I forgot my key.
"Come on hurry up, Andrew." I mumble to myself.
I ring the bell again but nobody opens the door.
So I text him but he is also not replying. His car is sitting in front of flat, so he must be at home.

After ten minutes of waiting and ringing the bell, Andy opens the door.
"Oh babe, did you forget your key again?" He smirks and leans forward to kiss me but I just storm into the flat without saying anything. "What's wrong?" He asks confused
I still say nothing and just take off my jacket.
"Babe?" Andy asks and takes my by my waist.
He pulls me close to him. My back pressed against his chest
"Why are you mad at me?" He whispers in my ear.
"I stand in front of the flat for about fifteen minutes and you never opened the door. It's fucking cold outside if you haven't noticed." I say and try to get away from Andy.
"Oh, I didn't hear the bell, I had my headphones on. I'm sorry babe." He apologises.
He kisses my cheek. I don't answer. He kisses my cheek again and again. Then my nose and my forehead. I slowly begin to smile but I keep acting like I am still mad at him.
"I know what will change your mind." Andy whispers and bites my neck slightly.
I try to resist.
"Andrew." I moan quietly. "Stop, I want to, take a hot, shower, to warm, me up." I stutter and breath heavily.
"You are already hot." Andy mumble and kisses me again.
"No seriously, I'm freezing." I say.
"Okay, then let's go and take a shower together." Andy decides and makes me jump up so I can wrap my legs around his waist.
I begin to leave small love bites on Andy's neck.
"I take this as a yes Seraphina." He groans and walks with me to the bathroom.

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