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I am a hairdresser at Collection hair, a hair salon. I have been working there for a few weeks now and today 5 boys entered the salon.
"Hello, welcome to Collection hair. How can I help you?" I welcome them.
"We have an appointment for 2pm." A guy with extremely curly, blonde hair says."
"Right." I say after I checked them in on the computer.
I show them to their seats.

I call over a few of my colleagues. They work with the other four boys while I take the one with the super curly hair. I think that he's really cute. So he sits down and tells me what he wants done with his hair.
"Can you please just cut it a little?"
"Sure." I say and smile.
"You have very beautiful eyes." He says.
"Ehm, thank you." I stutter a bit.
"Oh did I say that out loud?" He mumbles and blushes.
I laugh.
"Sorry I don't want to, ehm..." He stutters.
"No problem." I laugh.
"I'm Brooklyn by the way." He adds.
While I am doing his hair we talk quite a lot. He's super cute and charming.

Before Brooklyn and his friends leave, Brook takes my hand.
"I think you are really cute." He says.
I blush.
"I would like to meet you again. Maybe we can go out sometime?" He asks and rubs his neck nervously.
"Yeah, sounds good." I answer and smile.
Brook's smile gets bigger. He hands me a piece of paper with his number on it. I take it and say goodbye to Brooklyn and the boys.
"Was nice to meet you Uriah." He says and hugs me gently and a kiss on my cheek.

A few weeks later Brooklyn and I were a super cute couple.

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