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Tonight I am camping with my boyfriend, Andy. I am pretty excited because I've never camped before. We built our tent and spent most of the time cuddling round the fire. Andy is singing me, my favourite songs. I am absolutely in love with his voice. He sings like an angel.

It's getting pretty late and I am already a little tired. So the two us go to sleep. Andy wraps his arms around me and holds me close to his chest. Suddenly I hear a noise from outside the tent. Quickly I sit up.
"Andy, did you hear that?" I asked, scared.
"No. What?" He asks with a tired voice.
Then I hear the noise again.
"That." I whisper.
Andy sits up as well. He is about to get up to walk out the tent.
"What are you doing?" I ask and hold him back.
"I'm gonna see what the noise is." He answers and turns around to walk out again but I take his hand and pulls him back.
"No. What if it's a murder or something like that." I say worried.
"Nothing is going to happen to you Kiki." Andy smiles.
"No I mean you. What if it's something that is going to hurt you." I whisper.
Before Andy could answer the noise appears again but this time louder. I wrap my arms around Andy and hide my face in his chest.
"Andy I'm scared." I whisper, frightened.
"I'm here, nothing is going to happen. I'll protect you." He whispers and gently strokes my back.
"I don't wanna die Andy." I mumble.
"You are not gonna die baby." Andy smiles at me.
Suddenly I here someone laughing. I know these voices. The boys. Andy looks angry and jumps up and goes outside the tent.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" He shouts at the boys.
"C'mon Andy, it was just a prank, nobody died." Rye laughs.
"You scared her! You are such idiots! It's not even funny!" Andy says very angrily.
"It's okay Andy. Don't be mad at them." I say and try to calm him down.
"No it's not okay! They scared you! No one is allowed to do that to my girlfriend." He says and gently grabs my waist and pulls me closer towards him.
I kiss him and after the boys leave we spend the rest of the night cuddling and talking in our tent.

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