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I just moved to a new house and a new neighbourhood. Like everyday I want to go for a run but because I don't know any routes to run I am a little helpless and walk slowly through the streets. I come to a little avenue with trees, grass and bushes. Suddenly someone appears next to me.
"Hey, are you looking for anything? You look a little lost." A boy with brown hair asks.
"Ehm, no, yeah actually yes." I stutter.
The boy smirks.
"Are you new in this neighbourhood? I've never seen you here before?" He asks.
"Yeah I just moved to this house." I say and point to my house which is near the avenue.
"Oh cool." He answers.
"Yeah, actually I go out for a run every evening but I don't know any routes I could run here." I explain
"You run? Me too. If you want I can show you some routes I run?" He offers.
"If you don't mind." I agree.
"No of course I don't mind. I'm Rye by the way." He smiles.
So the two of us run next to each other and Rye shows me his running routes. After we finish Rye asks me if I want to go running with him tomorrow. I agree. Over the next few weeks Rye and I go running together every evening. Even if we don't talk that much, I really like him.

"Hey, I was wondering if you maybe want to grab a drink sometime. Maybe tomorrow?" Rye asks, one evening, after we finished our run together.
"Yeah sure." I agree and smile.

So we went to a coffee shop the next day and spent the whole afternoon together. It was amazing. Rye is super cute and kind and we both are interested in sport and a lot of other things. Before Rye leaves to go back home he gently kisses my cheek.

In the next few weeks Rye and I keep running together and meet more often until he asks me to be his girlfriend. Happily I say yes and kiss him and we still go running together everyday.

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