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"This isn't true, right?" I ask, really pissed.
"Seems like it is." Jack says and shrugs his shoulders.
"Why are you so chilled? We're in the middle of nowhere!"I say and look at him.

Our class are on a class trip. It's pretty boring and somehow myself and one of my classmates, lost the others. Now the two of us are walking through the woods, not knowing where the rest of the class is. Also we weren't allowed to bring phones to the class trip, so I can't even call the others to pick us up.

"This is the worst day in my life!" I say and frustratedly sit down on a rock.
"C'mon it's not that bad! I mean...it could be worst..." Jack says and sits next to me. "Actually I'm really happy, I mean I finally can talk to you alone..." He adds, shyly.
"Why?" I ask confused.
"Because...I never had the chance to tell you...that I really like you..." He stutters.
I look at him with big eyes. I never thought any of the boys in my class would notice me.
"And I was wondering if you would go out with me? Maybe? Just one date but if you don't want...it's also okay Greer...I didn't meant to..." He says nervously but I interrupt him.
"Yes, I would love to go out with you!" I say and smile.
Actually I liked Jack since he came into my class but I never really talked to him because I were to shy. Jack looks at me and smiles.

Since that it wasn't that bad anymore that the two of us were lost in the woods and after a while we found our classmates again.

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