Coming up with a case of memories

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Chop chop stood in his room which was inside his squads "house" a nice term for a bunker that could survive a apocalypse several times over. His room didn't have a bed or anything like that just a chair desk and book shelf all in a neat order. Chop chop feeling bored with his setting stepped outside his room towards the training hall finding prism break and ignitor their brawling.

Drill Sergeant drove over to where chop chop was viewing the fight.

"So which one do you thinks gonna win?" chop chop said, honestly not able to tell who had the upper hand.

"Prism break holds considerable power behind his attacks but lacks speed or flexibility to deal with quick and agile opponents, should ignitor be able to strike him fast and hard, in his disorientated state prism break would not be able to react sufficiently to ensure his success in this engagement therefore ignitor has a eighty seven percent change of being the victor." Drill Sergeant stated dissecting the combat before him.

"You could have just said ignitor."

Drill Sergeant always had a way of trying to and usually seceded in boil everything down towards a strict cause and effect and percentage it helped when they were fighting something as he was able to identify enemy weaknesses quicker than any other Skylander but was annoying in just about every other situation.

"I mean really drill what was the percent of the o'so great Arkeyan empire falling and becoming nothing more than ruins and a couple of old Skylanders?"

Drill Sergeant immediately replied as if already prepared for the conversation

"while we were serving the empire I calculated the possibility's With what little of the computing power that was not dedicated to design and planning towards that question. And concluded that the percent of our empire falling was zero point zero zero zero two percent. However that did not take into account the giants or us for the matter."

Chop chop froze for just second remembering their betrayal of the empire and how they first met the giants all those years ago still remembered it clearly thanks to him being part robot and all.
It all came flooding back.....

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