Chapter 4: Jisoo's Mission

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Jisoo’s POV

Following that blue-eyed freak for three days made me question my life. Like what on earth am I doing?

She stole money from the jewelry shop in mid-downtown. I watched her from a great distance and I was shocked since it was my first time watching an ocean eye do their thing and well, she did it smoothly. It was like she was doing it in her entire life. Those blue-eyed enemies of ours were good at what they do but this girl was something else. What really amused me was that she was able to fool the police because she transformed back into her true self. My mission was to spy on her for the reason which I don’t know. The bosses wouldn’t tell me a thing, such bossy brats I can say.

*bzzt bzzt*

Speaking of one of the devils, she sent me a message.


You are five minutes
late. Where are
you?! GD will be
here any minute
sent 11:32

Oh, Jisoos! I hurriedly ran towards the forest, used my power, and commanded the tree branches to carry me to uptown. The perks of having a brown eye, it lessens taxi fares and avoids stupid traffic. Also, green and brown eyes have the power to control nature; the vines, my lovely tree branches, and if you look at it the ground will suck you, alive. We control everything green and brown but that’s not all when it comes to me. Actually, to be honest, we’re still figuring out what power my green eye really possesses since mine is different, it’s darker and it was supposed to be on the left side like all of my green-eyed family and relatives. However, as you can see in the picture above, mine was on the right side so we don’t really know what that means.

After a good twenty minutes, I reached what we call a fork intersection. It has been called like that since, duh! it looked like a fork but with three tines. I used my two-toned legs and started running, literally running for my life because Sandara would bury me alive if I arrived there more than thirty minutes late and GD would kill me if I arrived there after him. I said it already and I'm gonna say it again, such bossy brats.

“MOVE!” I yelled at the two girls who were walking in my way. Geez! Why were they walking in Emerald alley? And they were walking slower than a turtle. The alley was too tiny for the three of us to fit. ‘Shit!’ When she turned around, it was too late, I wasn’t able to stop as I was sprinting at full speed so I ended up colliding with one of them and we both fell on the ground.

“CHAENG?! ARE YOU OKAY?!” I heard a voice behind me but I didn’t give much attention to her. I hope I didn’t cause any pain to this beautiful angel under me.

“Hi.” The angel greeted. I stifled a laugh as I checked her face out. She’s cute. Chaeng was her name but it didn’t suit her, she’s more like a rose that’s blossoming non-stop. ‘Gosh, she’s fucking gorgeous.’ I snapped out of my trance when my mind reminded me that GD would be coming anytime and I didn’t want to face his wrath so I must hurry.

“I’m sorry,” I apologized as I stood up and she did the same. I don’t want to leave yet but I’m running out of time. “I’M SORRY AGAIN!” I continued my journey, running as fast as I could but it didn’t stop me from stealing glances on the redhead behind me. I’m one hundred percent sure that she’s a human. Well, she has black eyes and red hair— so typical, so human.

I reached the main gate of the Emerald condominium— the house, office, camp, and shelter of green eyes and brown eyes. It was just a few blocks away from Zaldy’s building, the high structure that was standing proudly in the middle of uptown. I commanded the plants to carry me to the front door. It’s good having this kind of luxury where I can just sit back and relax while I’m being lifted by my lovely vines and tree branches.

“Finally! About time!” Sandara sarcastically welcomed me as soon as she saw me enter the lobby. If this woman wasn’t my boss and my aunt, I would bury her ten thousand feet under the ground.

“So, what’s the report about that blue-eyed freak?” Uncle GD inquired as he entered from the backdoor entrance. Geez. Good thing, I arrived first.

“Well, for my three days spying on her, I can say that there’s nothing extraordinary. She’s just an ordinary blue eye who hypnotizes humans for their riches.” I responded plainly, however, I’m not telling the whole truth. She has extra power which was altering her appearance but I won’t tell them not until I know the reason why they were so interested in this particular girl.

“GD, we can’t be mistaken, can we?” Sandara and GD exchanged glances. Now that got me curious as hell.

“Am I going to continue spying on her?” I butted in. Spying wasn’t my thing. It bored me to death and I looked stupid.

“Are you sure there’s nothing else?” GD eyed me suspiciously, glaring at my soul, trying to detect whether I was hiding something or not but I will not let fear take over me.

“I’m sure. If you want you can spy on her yourself.” I coldly suggested, looking back at him with the same intensity. He can’t scare me anymore. I’m getting tired of following their orders. Once they bark, I follow like a lost puppy and I’m having enough of it. I’m young, I want to live a little. Sometimes, I envy Yugyeom. He was doing all the things he loved without judgment while I was stuck here trying to prove my worth.

“Maybe she’s not what we think she is.” Sandara concluded. Arghhh! This was driving me insane. They were leaving me in the dark and I was so clueless about what they were talking about.

“But she’s the child of Charlie and her mother was a human.” GD explained they were so lost in their thoughts that they had forgotten about my existence.

“Ehem~ what’s wrong with that? I, myself, was half human.” I chimed in. My curiosity was at its peak. I needed to know what was going on before I lose my sanity.

“Nothing, forget it. You can stop spying on her now. Go do whatever you want.” GD shooed me away. I just narrowed my eyes on him as I walked to the elevator.

I once overheard some of our people saying that I’m not an ordinary green-eye because my mother, Shay, was a human and so I came to the conclusion that the girl was not the typical blue-eye as well. But what’s the difference? That’s the question I had in mind ever since I heard that gossip. I was really eager to find out the answer, but sadly, I didn’t know where to look for it. So at the moment, I’m going to lie on my bed, rest, and relax all day long. Three days outside, sleeping in the forest exhausted me too much... why? Because I can’t let my guard down or else those humans or blue-eyed freaks might take advantage and kill me while I’m dreaming about my precious chicken.

I reached my penthouse and went to my room. As I removed all my clothes and crawled on the bed, one thing was on my mind. ‘I hope I can see that redhead human again.’

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