Chapter 26: Touch, touch

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Jennie’s POV

Yesterday, after Jimin and Nayeon treated the cat, Chaeng offered Lucy a ride home which she declined but because Chaeng was Chaeng, Lucy wasn’t given a choice. We dropped her at her house just around mid-downtown. It was simple yet welcoming cream painted house, according to Chaeng of course, and we didn’t stayed long since we needed to go to the grocery store to buy everything that Cassandra told us to buy. Today, Chaeng left to go visit the pet center to get the ordered medicine for Lewis and she said that she’ll go to Lucy’s house after. That soft-hearted human was really sorry for hitting that cat. I wasn’t able to go with her because I need to visit the newly opened house of the blinds at the lower part.

“We’re here.” Thomas informed. He offered to drive me since Chaeng has some errands to do and they don’t want me to take a cab.

“Take care sweetheart.” Cassandra added.

“Thank you. See you later.” I smiled and went out of the car. I waved my hand goodbye until the sound of the car faded away.

“Hello Gorgeous~” A manly voice greeted me from behind so I turned around and smiled.

“Hi to you too Kai.” I greeted back. Kai was the son of the right hand of my father. He’s a good guy and he lend me a hand every time I’m in a place like this or at the company. Kai and Chaeng were the people who protected me when I was bullied in grade school for being ‘the-blind-who-wanted-to-be-normal’ since I attended normal school. I don’t know what’s the problem with that. Was it wrong to give it a shot and be normal? Because I considered myself normal, well, just sight-less.

“Let’s go inside. They are waiting for you.” He grabbed my hand and gently pulled me. There goes this weird feeling again. I can feel my heart beating fast every time he hold my hand. I remember papa used to joke that I should settle with Kai because we grew up together and we knew each other very well. And before Chaeng and I went to New Zealand, Kai confessed to me. That time I didn’t want any commitments yet since I wanted to focus on my studies and enjoy my life so I rejected him but that didn’t stopped him for liking me, and he promised that he will wait until the time I’m ready. Some part of me wanted to give him a chance in light of the fact that I can feel the signs that my friends told me but then again, that blonde, yes, her, was preventing me to do so… Every time I closed my eyes, she was all I can think about. She kept running inside my head since the first time I got to know about her existence. Sometimes, I’m wondering too much about it that’s why second thoughts was lingering.

‘Argh! So frustrating.’ I thought to myself.

“Are you okay? Do you have any problem?” Kai asked, worry was evident in his voice.

“Ah— I’m fine.” I smiled. He squeezed my hand gently. This was a normal thing. We often hold hands but the weird part about it was that I can’t read his mind even though he was a human. I’m hundred percent sure he was a human because Chaeng said that he has black eyes and red hair, also I knew all of his brothers and I can hear their thoughts.

When I heard voices greeting me and hands touching my hand, I knew we were already inside. I’m aware that there were human nurses to assist and take care of the blind people, I hired them myself. I tried talking to everyone and they seemed happy living here. I made sure that they will feel at home even without their families and I’m glad they did felt that way. I wanted to help all the homeless blinds around the world even if I need to spend all of my money. I will do it to fulfill the advocacy of my parents.

*leaves rustling*

Strong wind hit the trees, making it produce sounds. I think the windows were open, since the cold air pressed against my skin. “What is that?” I whispered. But as soon as I did, everyone started screaming at the top of their lungs.

“SILENCE!” A man’s voice shouted and in an instant everyone shut their mouth. Kai pulled me down and engulfed me into a hug, covering my face.

“Green eyes,” Kai stated. “Stay here.” He said but before he can move a muscle, I held him.

“Don’t go.” So he wrapped his arms around me again. Oh gosh! We’re screwed.

“Keep your head low.” Kai ordered. I immediately covered my face using my hair.

“Hey!” Another guy’s voice said before Kai started struggling since someone was pulling him.

“DON’T TOUCH ME!” Kai yelled then I heard a skin-to-skin sound. The impact of what I think was a punch was too loud for my ears that made me flinch.

“HOW DARE Y—” The guy was cut off by another guy’s voice.

“My, my, my, look who is here.” The third voice clapped before a pair of hands pulled me up.

“DON’T TOUCH HER!” Kai yelled but I think some guys were restraining him because I can hear his struggling movements.

“Hello to you Ms. Kim,” The guy, who has his hands on me, laughed like he won the lottery. “We’ll be staying here for the meantime if you don’t mind... Kill whoever try to escape!... Namjoon, go back to the Emeralds and make sure Jisoo stay out of our business.” Then started pulling me somewhere.

“Yes Hun!” His minion replied. I can hear murmurs around me. The feeling of uneasiness and worry were lingering on the atmosphere. Everyone was scared. I was scared too however I have to stay calm for the sake of everybody.

“What do you want?” I questioned. He laughed before he stopped dragging me.

“I killed your parents.” He informed, proudly, not minding my question at all before laughing like a lunatic again. I clenched my fist tightly and gritted my teeth, trying to relax myself since it was not the time for me to lose my shit.

‘Breathe in, breathe out.’ I told myself.

“I know. You don’t have to brag about your useless achievements. I’m asking you what do you want?” The first time he laid his finger on me, I was able to see all his bad and evil memories. He was the one behind most of the mass murder here in downtown. Also, I saw a lot of wicked plans that he wanted to do. One of it was to kill Jisoo and take her place. I have to tell her or else Chaeng will be sad forever but as of the moment, I need to think of a way out of here, alive, of course.

“Hmmm, actually just here to kill,” He said, nonchalantly. “but now that you’re here, I got a better idea.”

“So you think killing us, will make people follow your orders? Will that really make you the ruler of the green-eyed people? The president of this country?” I inquired. “Oh come on, you should know better than that.” In few seconds, he became silent, maybe shocked with my sudden revelation.

But after he regained his senses, his laugh echoed around the room. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you are really the special blind, isn’t it?” With one hand, he cupped my face and held it tightly, causing me to feel pain. “Such a waste. If you are not blind, I’ll definitely marry you.” He stroked my cheek using his other hand. Geez. The nerve of this psycho-maniac. As if I want to marry him.

“LET ME GO! GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF HER!!” I heard Kai shouted. To be honest, I’m more scared for Kai’s life. I know they will beat him or worse kill him, if he didn’t shut his noisy mouth.

“Ohhh~ Should I kill your prince charming first?” The guy queried. I shook my head ‘no’. “Then if you don’t want him dead, let’s have a deal, my way, of course.” He stroked my cheek once more before he truly let go.


“I want you to give me everything you own. In exchange, my people will not lay a finger to anyone in this building.” He demanded. I wasn’t able to control my laughter. I wondered how thick this man’s face can be.

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