Chapter 72: Wedding...

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▪Time skip▪

Jennie’s POV

It was exactly three months now since Jisoo asked Chaeng to marry her. Everything went back to normal and the emeralds continued rejoicing because of the victory of their ruler against their mortal enemy. Today was Chaeng and Jisoo’s most awaited day, their wedding day! 🎉
Thomas got mad, like real mad, at first since according to him, marriage was a sacred thing and they shouldn’t rush it but everyone saw how kindhearted, respectful, and eager Jisoo was to tie the knot. She never took advantage of my best friend, not even once, not even when they were alone and she had all the chance in the world. There was no doubt that she was a pervert type who would joke about dirty things that, well, she learned from humans but she knew the word ‘control’ plus she passed all the challenges that Thomas gave her. Witnessing how happy and in love they were to each other eventually led Thomas to agree. He wholeheartedly let his one and only daughter go.

“Ruby~” Chaeng called. “Stop crying, you are making me cry.” My tears were continuously flowing out of my eyes because I’m really glad and proud that my best friend will settle down. I will miss her if she was no longer there every day when I wake up however, I will not be a hindrance to her happiness.

“I’m just overwhelmed.” I wiped my tears.

“Why? Can’t believe that someone is marrying your best friend?” She asked and I know well enough that she was pouting.

“Sort of, Jisoo must have loosen some screws in her brain for proposing to a chipmunk... Oh! Wait, it’s a perfect match, a squirrel and a tree lover.” I teased making the both of us laugh. “But seriously, I’m really happy for you Chaeng... I’m going to miss you.” I embraced her.

*knock knock*

We heard a knock and the door slowly opened. “Girls, it’s time to go.” Cassandra said. Chaeng pulled me up and out of the door. I rode the bridal limousine with Chaeng and Cassandra since Thomas was already at the church.

Irene’s POV

We were on our way to the church. Madam was anxious, goosey, edgy and all the synonyms of being nervous. Her legs won’t just stop shaking while sitting inside the presidential car. BangVelveTwicEx was with us and everyone was invited to attend madam’s wedding since she was the president and a public servant.

“Madam president we’re here.” Baekhyun informed. The car came to a full stop so we got out.

“You need to relax madam. Your human will be here in a few.” Dahyun smiled and tapped her shoulder. There’s a lot of cameras flashing towards our direction. It almost blinded me. Geez.

“Do I look fine?” She questioned for the umpteenth time. Actually, she’s been conscious about her appearance since forever and been asking anyone in sight repeatedly but I understood, I was like that when I got married to my Seulgi. Yes, that’s right. I hate to admit it but madam was right when she said that I need life and, well, I found it in Seulgi that’s why I didn’t waste any more time and asked her to marry me right away. Luckily, that cuddly bear of mine said yes!

“You look dashing madam. Your human might take you away even before the wedding begin. I’m sure she’ll drool over you.” I teased. However, it was the truth because even with her shades on, madam still looked freaking great. She was wearing a white fitted backless gown, that was embracing her magnificent curves in a mind-blowing way, matched with two inches glass heels with hair curled and free-falling on her back. In short, she was divine and one hell of a sexy bride.

“Ms. Zaldy!” Jisoo happily exclaimed, walking towards her. The guardian suddenly popped out of nowhere, nothing new but every time she do it, she never fail to give everyone a mini heart attack.

“Someone wants to see you.” The guardian smiled then stepped aside exposing a scary yet stunning creature.

“I’ll be quick since my blood’s boiling... Congratulations on your wedding!” Lisa embraced madam and handed her a gift then they disappeared. They were invited but because there will be a lot of humans including Jennie, at the ceremony today, Lisa refused to be present and as well as Ms. Zaldy since the blonde shouldn’t be left alone just to be safe.

Jennie’s POV

We arrived at the Church and Cassandra went out to announce the arrival of the other bride.

“This is it Chaeng,” I smiled and held her hand. She was anxious and excited all at the same time. “Relax. It’s your day.” I heard her took a deep breath.

“Thank you for being here with me.” She sincerely uttered, embracing me tightly. We heard a knock on the car window indicating that we should go out plus the song was already playing. I opened the door and went out then extended my hand for Chaeng to grab. “Now you are the one assisting me.” She chuckled.

“I’m willing to assist you in taking care of your babies too.” I wiggled my brows up and down in a teasing manner but I’m kind of sincere too since I’m not that busy.

She playfully slapped my arm, laughed and said, “What do you mean babies? Slow down tiger. One at a time.” that made me laugh. Cassandra guided me to the back of Chaeng’s gown since the Church door will be opening soon.

*wedding song*

We started walking while I’m holding the end of the gown to avoid it from tangling. I may be blind but I’m not useless. When they stopped, I heard Dahyun’s voice and she guided me to where I’m going to sit. I felt Cassandra sat beside me. She was crying so I held her hand and gently stroked it. It was tears of joy. Everyone inside the church were radiating happiness and it was invading the whole place. There was a lot of people since everyone want to witness the wedding of the president of Korea.

“Let us all rise for the opening prayer,” The pastor began so we all stood up. I wondered if my wedding will be like this or even a simple wedding or if I will be married at all. I wasn’t able to see Lisa again after our date but Jisoo told me she’s working hard to control her anger since she wanted to go on more dates with me. One more thing, two months ago, she started texting me sweet words every day. Well, basically, not me since I don’t have a phone plus I can’t freaking see. It was Chaeng who receive the message and she’ll just read it to me then I will tell her what to reply. Lisa also call every evening, that Chaeng will put on speaker, to say goodnight before we both went to sleep. She was the sweetest non-human alive or I’m just a blind whose blinded by love? Anyway, all I’m sure was that Lisa was the one for me so I promise myself that I will wait for her. I want to give her a chance because I know it wasn’t her intention to hurt people and there’s the need in me to help her, be there and pour all my love to her. “We are gathered here to witness the union of Ms. Kim Jisoo and Ms. Park Chaeyoung… If there’s someone whose against the love of these beautiful ladies, speak now or forever hold your peace.” The pastor continued.

Everyone went in total silence. I didn’t know why I was crossing my fingers but I really hope there will be no one that will ruin these precious days. However, of course, happy ending doesn’t come knocking straight on the door and when it look like a happy ever after, someone will shout one of those three words that will make someone’s life miserable. It was a voice that we will all hate for the rest of our lives. I had this bad feeling since we stepped foot inside this church and I’m not dense to not sense that one person whose radiating different aura among hundreds of people who attended this ceremony but I chose to shrugged it off because I don’t want to ruin this day. I’m pretty sure whoever that person was the same person who made everyone gasped in surprise.

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