Chapter 62: Thankful

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Lalisa’s POV

I took the initiative to kiss her. I did it not because Zaldy and Jisoo wanted me to kiss her or because you guys were waiting for a Jenlisa moment but because my heart wanted me to do it plus looking at her beautiful cat-like eyes, gave me all the courage I need. I think Zaldy’s right, I’ll be thanking her later. Jennie’s lips… It was the definition of heaven, calming and peaceful. It was soft and taste like cherry ChapStick. I pulled away and rested my forehead on hers again. As we stared at each other’s eyes with contentment and a smile on our faces.

“Ahem~ Sorry to disturb you.” A familiar voice spoke. I closed my eyes in frustration.

“Really? Now?” I asked, annoyance was evident in my voice. “Way to ruin the moment.” I sarcastically uttered then rolled my eyes. I heard her chuckle softly.

“As much as I enjoy watching your sweet moments, if I didn’t interrupt now then I don’t know if you can see me again.” She said so I looked at her and noticed that she’s aging continuously. Her hair that reached below her butt was now just above her shoulders. I quickly let Jennie go and Zaldy took her away then she reappeared just before I can even blink my eyes. However, due to the fact that she was getting weaker, she fell on her knees.

“How can I remove your life core inside me?” I asked in panic. She gestured me to come close while she lifted her hand. ‘Please don’t die.’ I’m not sure how many times I chanted those words inside my head as I held it using my trembling hands, putting it on my stomach. She controlled the glass ball until it finally came out of my mouth. It was painful but I didn’t mind.

When I spit the ball, she quickly swallowed it. Losing consciousness, her body suddenly started glowing. Seulgi came running and asked me to help carry the guardian down to the third floor. When we arrived, she tucked the guardian to her bed then held her hand. “She can stay for an hour without her core but she tried prolonging your moment with Jennie.” Seulgi informed. I glanced at the wall clock and noticed that it was fifteen minutes past an hour when she gave me her core.

‘Zaldy... Why would you do that?!’ I thought to myself. Fudge, I even got mad at her for ruining our moments and now I felt guiltier.

“The guardian was so happy seeing you smiling and care-free Lis,” Seulgi answered my unspoken question, while still looking at Zaldy. Knowing that melted my heart. “She also said that she’s proud of you.”

I slumped on the couch, trying to process everything. ‘Zaldy... Why?’ I’m not a good non-human so why was she helping me this much? I just don’t understand.

“Lisa, the guardian believes in you. She treats all her children equally, gives everyone a chance to change and guide them without any questions.” Seulgi flashed me an assuring smile.

“I think we should carry her to her chamber.” I suggested.

Seulgi lifted her shades and wiped the tears that she was holding but still insisted on leaving her eyes. She put the shades back before looking at me. “Only the guardian has access to that floor.” She heaved a deep sigh.

“Is she going to be alright?” I asked. I’m really worried about her. Zaldy was surely a weird guardian but she’s our weird guardian and no one can replace her that’s why I don’t want her to die.

Seulgi shrugged her shoulders. “All we can do is wait and hope for the best.” Then she left. I’m sure she’s going to pour all her tears and she didn’t want me to see. Carrying a heavy heart, I walked closer to Zaldy. I pulled the chair and sat on it, holding her right hand with two hands. “You really made sure I’ll be thanking you today, isn’t it?” I released a chuckle. “Thank you very much for believing in me and for doing this, it made me the happiest ocean eye in this world…” I gently stroked her hand with my thumb. It was only fifteen minutes but by the look of the guardian, I can see that it was fifteen minutes of hardship, struggle and too much pain. It hurts me. “You didn’t have to do that for me... I’m not worthy of your life but I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart,” I started crying. Zaldy’s face was deteriorating and there was no sign of her getting well. “Please Zaldy... don’t die.” I held her hand close to my face and cried hard for the first time after a long time.
Few minutes passed. I fixed myself and dried my tears, wearing my shades to hide my swollen eyes. Timing when Seulgi re-entered the room, holding a lot of apparatus and an old thick book. She placed the opened book on the bedside table and started attaching some tubes and wires on the guardian’s body. “What are you doing?” I inquired, watching her every move.

“When I went outside, the huge bookshelf cut itself in half, exposing a staircase behind it so I went down then...” Seulgi paused as she looked at me with hope written all over her face. “I heard mama’s voice. She guided me through the traps and hidden on that room was thousands of super old books… I had the strong will to help Ms. Zaldy so the book of the guardians showed itself to me,” She smiled before turning her attention back to what she’s doing. “I’ve been here for ten years but it was the first time that huge bookshelf move an inch and it moved on its own like magic.” She said in awe.

“Wow~ That’s just wow, but are you sure about that?” I asked.

“Certain! And let’s hope it will help her even just for a bit.” Seulgi answered however, I still gave her a doubtful look. “HEY! Don’t look at me like I’m a crazy person.” She pouted. “I’m just following the procedures on the book.” I didn’t say anything and just watched her continue playing doctor until she’s done.

Right at this very moment, the guardian looked like a robot with all the tubes and wires that were attached on her body. “What’s that?” I asked, pointing on the see-through wires that comes from who knows where and ended at Zaldy’s body since it started distributing different colors of liquid when Seulgi pressed something.

“All the juices on the floating fridge for all the powers of the guardian. According to this, her body needed a first aid,” She answered as she flipped the pages of the book. “… and the guardian should be able to regain her consciousness by tomorrow... if not, she’ll… die.” Silence engulfed us. Deym it! She can’t die. Seulgi checked on Zaldy for the last time. “Come on Lis, the guardian needs to rest.” She pulled me out of the room before I can even react.

I felt really bad. It’s my fault that the guardian was in that state. “Seulgi...” I called. My voice was so low and hoarse since I’ve been crying silently.

“If you are blaming yourself, you need to stop,” She pulled me into a tight embrace. “I’m sure that the guardian is not regretting anything, Lis.” She let go of me with a weak smile on her face then she wiped the tears on my cheeks. I hate this. I hate myself. I hate that she risked her life for me. I didn’t deserve that but the guardian... she believed in me... she believe that I can change and be happy. And for that Zaldy... thank you.

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