Chapter 22: How Does Non-Human Mate?

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Jennie’s POV

The party ended after lunch time and now we were here at the airport again. Time surely flies fast if you’re having fun. It felt like my friends only arrived yesterday yet they were leaving now.

“Goodbye Chae and Jane.” The three of them bid and we hugged each other one by one.

“Take care everyone. Be sure to come visit again.” I reminded.

I smiled when Momo pinched my cheeks. “Or visit us back in New Zealand when you are free… Though, we are always ready for you guys, just tell us and we’ll make time.” She embraced me again before they started walking away.

“BYE GUYS!!!~~” Chaeng shouted. “They are inside. Let’s go?” She asked so I offered her my hand that she gladly accepted. She helped me enter her car before running to the other side. Her happiness since the time Jisoo gave her the present didn’t change until now. Whipped was now her nickname.

Chaeng,” I called. I wanted to know something although I already have a conclusion.

“Hmmm?” She hummed in response.

“I just want to ask you something, please be honest with me.” I don’t have any problem with it, I just want to make sure because why not?

“Ruby, you can see through lies, so why bother lying?” Chaeng chuckled. Well, that make sense. “Go ahead and spill the beans.”

“What do you really feel about the green eye?” I straight-forwardly inquired.

“W-what do you mean? And Ruby, she have a name it’s Jisoo.” She replied. I know very well that she rolled her eyes on me however, I do not have any proof so I cannot confront her with that matter.

“Sorry, and what I mean is does your heart beats fast whenever she’s around?” I asked, patiently waiting for her to answer.

“Y-yes. I think so.” She shyly responded.

“Are you feeling excited and contented whenever you are talking to her?” I questioned. Thanks to my friends, I knew all of this now.

“Y-yes,” She stammered. “I-I have this feeling that every time she’s around, I want her to stay longer.” She admitted and since I know that she’s been thinking about her non-stop, I didn’t bother asking that. “What does that mean Ruby?” She was unsure of her feeling.

“I think it’s what people call love.” I explained that silence her for a minute.

“… Do you think she’s my other half? B-but that’s impossible, I’m a human.” Chaeng uttered; a little bit worry was obvious on the tone of her voice. If I’m not mistaken, I think she’s in some state of shock.

“It’s not impossible Chaeng. My mother is a human, remember?” As soon as I reminded her, I heard her gasped.

“If she is then I can look at her eyes?” Chaeng asked. She was excited but mostly, being scared was dominant. Who wouldn’t be horrified? We were talking about a green eye.

I rubbed my chin, trying to reach the back of my mind before saying, “According to what papa told me, if you did the thing they called ‘mating’ then you can be freed from your partner’s power.”

“Mating? But we are both girls, is that possible? If so, then what will be the process?” Here comes the curious Chaeng.

“Don’t worry, the parents of papa were both girls, blind non-humans go with the same process as how humans’ mate but the point is two girls can make a child,” I paused as I tried recalling the process. “Hmm... as I can remember, first the guardian need to join the souls together, don’t worry papa said it’s not painful. Second, she’ll be performing some rituals and cast some spell on the human to be immune to her partner’s power. Third, blood compact or you need to drink each other’s blood or something, I’m not quite sure about this part, and last, you have to make love while looking at each other’s eyes and the marked individual will be pregnant as soon as the mating finished.” The process of it was surreal but then again we were talking about non-humans’ mating process, kind of different from humans although at the end, it’s the same thing we need to have sex.

“BABY?! RIGHT AWAY? ISN’T THAT TOO SOON?” Chaeng yelled. “WAAA~ I’M NOT YET READY FOR THAT.” Then stepped on the brake. Geez. Relax.

“Chaeng! Are you trying to get us killed?!” I scolded, holding on the seat tightly.

“Sorry, I just can’t believe that we are both going to carry the baby since we were both the marked one... please continue.” She started driving again. Why am I suddenly regretting giving her a car?

“Anyway, having a baby is the only way to be able to fully resist the non-human’s power for lifetime but don’t worry, it’s different when it comes to those regular non-humans who married humans since they can’t get them pregnant and they’ll be doing the ritual for several years to be fully immune.” I said then she suddenly stayed quiet for a few seconds.

“Ruby...” Chaeng’s voice was so low that if it wasn’t for my super hearing, I wouldn’t be able to hear it.

“What is it Chaeng?” I asked.

“Jisoo’s... she’s uh, a high-rank, didn’t I mention?” She was skeptical. What she had said shocked me. Wait..

“What?! How’d you know that?” I didn’t know she’s a high rank. I never saw it on Chaeng’s thoughts. Wait... thinking about it now, holy cow! I heard those sounds whenever that green eye was around but I was either too lost in the situation or panicking that’s why my attention wasn’t really on it.

“Haven’t you heard it when Jisoo’s around?? Is your super hearing getting rusty?... Anyway, I hear that three sounds whenever she’s around me though I only saw her three times.. wait I barely saw her face the first time and yesterday but the point is she’s making those sounds.” She explained. I just kept my mouth shut. I’m so stupid to let it slipped my mind. It was a vital sign. After few minutes of silent, Chaeng tapped my hand, “How about you Ruby? Any guess who might be your other half?”

I heaved a sigh. “Actually, yes and no,” I answered, truthfully. I know she’s waiting for me to continue. “I have an idea who it might be but it’s impossible for that person to be my other half.”

“And why is that? Who do you think it is?” Chaeng asked.

“The blonde.” I stated that made her stepped on the brake again.

“What?! WHAT?!” She yelled at the top of her lungs.

“Chaeng! Be a responsible driver!” I scolded. Geez. We’ll be dead in no time.

“Sorry but to be honest, I-I was thinking of Kai as your other half… Why do you think it’s her? She’s destined to kill you not the other way around.” Chaeng was confused and what made it harder was that I, myself, was confused too.

“I’m not sure Chaeng but Kai never crossed my mind when I learned about the fact that I was marked… I might be mistaken.. it can be Kai but all I know is, I can’t keep her out of my mind.” I admitted, closing my eyes.

Chaeng took a deep breath. “Why is love so complicated? It’s like what’s on the book ‘It’s me, your love’... destiny surely knows how to play the game.”

“I think you should just have read ShoujoZz’ other book.” I joked then we laughed.

“Speaking of that, let’s go to the book shop and buy her first book titled, Help!” Chaeng said then we drove to the nearest bookstore before we go home.

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