Chapter 6: Spying gone wrong

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Lalisa’s POV

*knock knock*

“Hmmmmpppppp~” I stretched my arms and slowly opened my eyes.

*knock knock*

“YOU CAN ENTER LUCY!” I yelled for her to hear.

“Baby girl time for dinner,” She informed. “let’s eat first before you leave.” This was one of the reasons what I love the most about her. She cares for me too much, not like some humans here in downtown who dumped their children on the streets and let them starve to death. Poor souls.

“Okay, I will just take a quick shower and I’ll be right out.” I smiled then stood up from the bed. I hurriedly went inside the bathroom.

Tonight, my plan was do some spying. I’m curious about this particular person that everyone was talking about earlier when I was outside. If the person was the talk of the town then it might be someone special, right? And also, the owners of that world-class company were murdered few days ago, I’m hundred percent sure those monsters did that killings so I want to investigate. Who knows, maybe I’ll get the chance to avenge my father.

After I took a quick bath, I wore black pants, plain black t-shirt and my dark pink running shoes. I tied my hair in a bun before I walked out of my room.

“Come sit down, the food is getting cold.” Lucy sweetly said so I did.

“Meow~” I heard Lewis from under the table and felt him rubbing his head on my leg.

“He just finished eating his dinner.” Lucy quickly informed in disbelief that made me let out a soft chuckle, knowing Lewis he’s still hungry but... nah, I won’t over-feed him because I don’t want him getting fat.

“Sorry Lewis no more food for you,” I clicked my tongue as I watched him slammed his body on the floor, defeated. Poor cat. “By the way Lucy, don’t wait for me. I will bring Lewis with me tonight so don’t forget to close the windows and lock the door tightly, okay?” I reminded. It’s better safe than sorry. “Oh! But leave the small window in my room slightly ajar incase Lewis wants to come home.”

“Okay baby girl. Remember be very careful, you know those green-eyed people roam around town by groups at night.” Lucy had this worried expression on her face but I didn’t want that so I smiled at her, my brightest smile before I stood up and put my plate on the sink then grabbed one of my black jackets that was hanging at the coat rack and put it on me.

“Come Lewis,” My cat jumped into my arms. “We will go now, see you tomorrow Lucy.” I bid my goodbye and kissed her cheek.

“Take care Lisa.” She repeated then walked me to the door, locking it behind me.

I pulled the hood of my jacket to cover my blonde hair and put on my shades. Hep! Don’t say anything! I know what you’re thinking, it’s night and dark but my eyes stands out especially at this time, it was like a sparkling beautiful ocean water under the moonlight so I need this. I stayed at the darkest part of the street to avoid being notice by anyone.

“Lewis, you need to do the spying job for me, okay?” I caressed his black fur.

“Meow~” He replied then licked my hand.

Downtown was a really huge town so I reached my destination after a good thirty minutes. I don’t prefer walking or running but I don’t have any choice because we can’t drive nor ride cars in light of the fact that our eyes were not made for anything beyond ten kilometers per hour, and also we, ocean-eyed, don’t feel over fatigue or simply, we don’t get worn-out.

“Okay Lewis, hit the road.” I hurriedly released my Manx cat from my grip then squatted down, closing my left eye. ‘Why the hell do I feel so giddy?’ I held my head. Lewis jumped over the high fence and started sneaking around the Kim’s residential house, the biggest mansion in South Korea. How on earth did they got to be the richest person alive when they can’t freaking see anything? While us, blue eyes, need to steal money just to live and stay alive in this cruel world.

My Manx cat started walking through the white hallway. The silence was creepy, well, I guess that’s how blind people live. The mansion seemed abandoned but I’m quite sure that the last special blind was back early this morning, it’s what I heard from the whole town or maybe, it got delayed or postponed. Deym it! I’m in no luck. I was about to order Lewis to come back when suddenly I caught a glimpse of some movements from one of the doors.

“Lewis, to your right please,” I politely commanded. “walk very slowly and avoid making any sounds.” And he did. Such a good boy.     ‘What the— what are they doing here?’ I thought to myself when I saw two of the figures I despise the most. “Run home now Lewis.” I ordered before closing both my eyes for few seconds to regain control of my body then I jumped over the fence, and started walking towards the mansion as quiet as I can. Holy crap! My assumption was right… How the blinds died was kept secret to the media and everyone who knew about it shut their mouths but now, I’m quite sure that they were the culprit behind the killings of those blinds.

I passed through the living room and reached the hallway where Lewis walked few minutes ago. They were at the end of the hallway; I think it’s an office. I slowly made my way to avoid being notice by those monsters however, after I passed two doors, someone grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth.

“Shhhh~” That’s the only thing I heard while I was being pulled inside a room. I’m not afraid due to the fact that I know I’m strong enough to kill whoever this person was so I chose to stay calm and played along. “What are you doing here?” She asked. When she released me, I looked at her and my jaw literally dropped. Wow talk about beauty but like fuck, she’s beauty itself. Everything about her was literally perfection. What really caught my attention was her cat-like eyes. I’m a cat person that’s why.

“Just going for a walk.” I shrugged.

“Walking? Inside my house? Oh come on~ You can do better than that, that’s the lamest excuse I have ever heard in my entire life...” She rolled her eyes on me. I chuckled. Wait, why do I find her cute? What’s wrong with me? “I saw some bad memories on your mind, and I can’t easily read your thoughts so meaning you are a non-human but I can sense that you are not some heartless one.” In fairness, she’s talkative for a stranger but really cute.

I was mesmerized by her beauty when suddenly reality hits me that made me face-palmed myself. Of course, she would know my history since she’s the special blind and that means she’s the one I’m looking for however staring at her now, made me really curious why she’s so famous. Yes, she’s gorgeous, and her hair look silky, and although she’s blind, her eyes were beautiful, and her nose was pointy, and her lips looked tasty, and she have a perky breast, and her curves was so sexy and— ‘Wait a minute, are you checking her out? You pervert!’ My subconscious scolded me. ‘Snap out of it Lisa!’
I cleared my throat and said, “Ehem~ I’m here to kill the two pests over there.” Not that I’m lying. My main goal for tonight was to spy on her, just to see what she looked like but seeing those monsters, I simply changed my mind. This was my chance, the chance I’ve been waiting for.

“Whoever you are, are you that stupid? You can’t do that. They are more powerful than what you think and they are here to kill me,” She argued with flat expression like what came out of her mouth was not a serious matter and before I can say anything, she continued, “Anyway, may I know which clan are you from?” She was looking straight to my eyes as if she can see me. Geez, it creeps me out. And unfortunately, she’s blind so I can’t hypnotize her and order her to shut her noisy mouth.

“Ocean-eyed, but before you judge me, I’m not here to steal anything from you.” I defended before she make some wrong assumptions towards my good intention.

“I see; however, I think you need to leave,” This small girl plainly said. Does she know the word expression? She’s speaking flatly all this time. “You know where the exit is so if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to see the two pests you are talking about.” Then she started walking towards the door.

“Engk~ Nope. I’m not going anywhere.” I stubbornly stated that made her stop. An idea popped out of my mind but I won’t tell her.

“Okay, if you have some death wish then you can come with me but don’t say that I didn’t warn you.” The small girl heaved a sigh that made me chuckle. I saw her looked in my direction before continuing her way. Good thing, she’s not really fond of giving facial expression or any reactions so I can do my plan smoothly.

Look At Me (Blackpink)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora